E.P.I.C. Podcast "Every Play Is Crucial"

Electrifying College Football Showdowns & NFL Contenders: Insights & Debates

Vernon Eskridge, Isaac Ivery, Justin Fox, Jared Season 3 Episode 3

Ever wondered why college football feels so electrifying and unpredictable compared to the NFL? This episode tackles that very question, as we dive into the heart of college football's most thrilling matchups, like Alabama at Wisconsin, and touch on the unexpected high Heisman odds for Texas football's Arch Manning. Shifting gears, we critically examine the NFL's current state, exploring how the lack of rigorous preseason activities might be contributing to the rise in injuries and underperformance. Get ready to challenge your perceptions of professional football and ponder whether a revamp in preseason preparation could be the game-changer players need.

As we navigate the college football landscape, we scrutinize Georgia's nail-biting win over Kentucky and its implications for their rankings and upcoming face-offs against teams like Alabama. Miami's standout season takes center stage as we debate their potential as a solid bet, dissect their schedule, and reflect on the heightened competitiveness of the ACC this year. The episode also shines a spotlight on Big Ten football, where we contrast the struggles of Indiana University's program with the success stories of other teams and players, pondering what it takes for a program to truly thrive.

Our NFL analysis doesn't stop there. We categorize teams like the Chargers, Steelers, Saints, and Seahawks into contenders and pretenders, and delve into the surprising prowess of clubs like the Buffalo Bills and the ever-dominant Houston Texans and Kansas City Chiefs. Cincinnati Bengals' recent clash with the Chiefs gets a thorough dissection, along with the Ravens' persistent fourth-quarter woes. Wrapping it up, we debate quarterback performances, review our NFL game picks, and even touch on some intriguing player statistics and predictions. Join us for a rollercoaster of football insights and spirited debates that every fan will relish!

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Speaker 1:

What's up with it? Yeah, what's up with it? Do it cause I love it and I stuck with it. We ain't with the subbing and the cut with it. Please, none of the talks I heard enough of it Like what you gonna do, where you at, who you with? You ain't really bout this. Don't talk about it. Really. On the move on the map, never slip, keep your hands to your lips. Don't talk about it. Real eyes, realize, realize all the time. Stand on it if we set it, we don't walk around it loose lips ain't ships. Red cup, blue strips, new phone, who this? No, we don't allow it. Really on, go, I don't know what's an off day now. We on road came from smoking in the hallway. Now we got shows. Boys feeling like broadway, always look both ways, even on a crossway driving down down Cross Bay, outtown Barclays, Really on, big teams Came up a small way. Champion ship rings, baby, that's a ball game. Oh, she want a little bag, baby, that's small change.

Speaker 2:

Another episode of the Epic Podcast. I am in the house with Jared right now. Justin may be joining us later, but I guess Jared's having some technical difficulties right now His camera. He should be jumping back in here soon. But man, it's been a long sports week man. We got a lot of things to talk about there. He is, you good.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I'm straight man. All right, my camera was just sideways. Yeah, I don't know what the hell was going on, but I'm here.

Speaker 2:

It happens, it happens. So how was your sports week, man?

Speaker 3:

It was cool, man Shit. I'm just enjoying college football, bro, loving it. Everybody's playing well. For the most part, everybody's playing well. Get a few competitive games every week. I'm loving it.

Speaker 2:

I feel like it's a lot more competitive now, Like you got teams who ain't never played each other before playing each other.

Speaker 3:

You got teams going on true road games like Alabama at Wisconsin was fine, yeah like 42 to 10, but just, but just to see that matchup, yeah, you got the new Big Ten jumping off. You had IU out there, ucla fire. It's just interesting, man, and y'all know how I feel about the NFL. On the other hand, a lot of piss, poor play, a lot of injuries, a lot of underperforming teams, a lot of lucky shit going on. Like it's just I don't know what it is about me and the NFL man, but I don't know.

Speaker 2:

Hey, I'm in that boat with you, man. We're going to talk about all that today. It's not as exciting.

Speaker 3:

I mean, quarterbacks aren't even. I mean, I don't even. I can probably count on just two hands. How many 200-yard passing games we saw this weekend?

Speaker 1:

It has not been a lot.

Speaker 2:

Passing yards are down. I'm not going to say passing Well, passing yards are down, but passing touchdowns are down like 60%. That's crazy. I've seen that stat. It says down like 64%.

Speaker 3:

Hey, they got to start mandating guys playing in the preseason. That's what it's going to boil down to.

Speaker 2:

I've been hearing a lot of talk about that too. Like these rookies and stuff, like playing like a series and stuff, and then they're not ready. Like you get them out there and they're just not ready. Like Bryce Young, he needed to play.

Speaker 3:

He played all the preseason games At least 75% of the snaps in the preseason. He probably played what a couple series. He played two series. Look what you're getting like. Yeah you know it's just like not saying that he would have been significantly better had he, but he got more comfortable especially with a new coach, new regime in there.

Speaker 3:

So yeah, definitely I mean, I I think it would have been beneficial for him, I think it would have been beneficial for the team. Uh, you gotta start playing these guys in the preseason. I think it would have been beneficial for the team. You got to start playing these guys in the preseason. I think it would have helped with the injuries. I don't know, I don't know, I'm no doctor, I'm no psychologist or anything like that, but I think it's physical and mental with these guys and these injuries and they got to start doing something. You know they don't practice anyway, they don't tackle, no, two-a-days?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, really no. I know some teams do go full pads, but that's up to the coach's decision.

Speaker 3:

That's not mandated, they're still not going hard, they're probably still thudding up even with full pads on. So I think full pads in the NFL is more of a conditioning thing, not necessarily a full contact. They ain't doing nothing, I agree.

Speaker 2:

I agree, all right. Well, sure, man, let's jump into it. Then man, let's start off with college football. Got week three. Just a bit of a recap now. Archie Manning in Texas, right now. Archie Manning. I keep saying Archie, archie Manning. Has Texas ranked number one right now? I mean not saying that they still wouldn't be ranked number one, but I think with that tough game Georgia played against Kentucky, it was just kind of right that Texas moved up to number one. Yeah, for sure, and Georgia drops down to number two. But so what do you think about this whole Arch Manning thing? Like you know, he's like. His odds to win the Heisman is higher than Ewers.

Speaker 3:

Now, Ooh, nah, who said that?

Speaker 2:

It's ESPN bet ranking. You know what I mean, how they get the odds.

Speaker 3:

He's not even the starter. I mean, it really just depends on how long Ewers is going to be out, but Ewers is still the starting quarterback of that team. So like there's no way still a starting quarterback of that team, so like there's no way possible that arts manning can can win.

Speaker 2:

But is there a conversation?

Speaker 3:

though to be had? I don't think so. I don't think so when you're playing, well you know, with the cause. That's how it should be. Arch Manning is in the same practice, he's in the same playbook. So you shouldn't really lose a step, especially if you you have your backup, knowing that he's going to start next year. So basically, arch manning isn't just a backup quarterback, he's a starting quarterback in waiting. You know I'm saying so. It's just like it shouldn't. I don't think anybody realistically expected there to be much of a drop off, uh, between quinn ewers and arch man. I mean, look at his uncles Like. This isn't just some, you know, this is just some cat from.

Speaker 2:

He's like a more athletic Manning, Like he's probably the most athletic Manning out of all of them.

Speaker 3:

It's in his blood. He's related to three NFL quarterbacks and four, because his dad played college ball too, so it's like yeah, he was a receiver.

Speaker 3:

This isn't just from anybody. So I mean I didn't expect there to be much of a dropout. Also, I mean it ain't like he stepped in, you know, on the road to Alabama and did that, Right, right, and I'm not trying to downplay it because I still think he's good and he's going to do good, and I do think Texas should be ranked number one in the country. But like there are, I'm big on circumstances.

Speaker 2:

So, like you know, yeah, but like also too, when you have a, the team has a voice too. So the team also is going to be looking at it. Like what if these receivers start maybe liking where arch put the ball versus ewers? Because now they're gonna, they're gonna have a comparison. Now, you know what I mean, isaiah bond and them, they're gonna be able to sit back and be like, hmm, like all right, you know, you know, gibson, he hey man, like man, he put it right here. You know what I mean. He kind of put the ball closer to my chest. You know what I mean. It's going to be some talks, because let's say this, let's say Eros come back, and he struggled First half. He's back At halftime. You don't?

Speaker 3:

think there's a conversation. He's not going to struggle though.

Speaker 2:

I mean, I hope not, but I'm just saying, I'm just saying hypothetically, like if there is Like in Texas, like that's going to get loud quick.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I don't think you do that. Like I said, Arch Manning is going to have two years left. He might have three years left after this year. I mean, I'm not sure if he got a red shirt last year or not. I don't think he got a red shirt.

Speaker 2:

I think he was a true freshman.

Speaker 3:

Well, he'll have two more years, which probably only a play one, but they're not going to do that. I mean the team was rolling. I mean they were in the playoff last year, so it's not like yeah. You know, like Quinn Uris is a great quarterback. I mean he, when you have that last name, yeah, but if it hasn't happened, already it's not going to happen.

Speaker 2:

But this is the first time he's really really been playing Like outside of, just like scrimmages and what you hear from you know what I mean inside the building, at practices and stuff Like this is now on a public stage like scrimmages and what you hear from you know what I mean inside the building, at practices and stuff like this is now on a public stage, like where everybody can see. Now, granted, like you said, he wasn't going against some top SEC teams, but I mean he played the way he should play against the competition that was, you know, put in front of him. You know he didn't struggle Like you know what I mean no picks right now. You know five touchdowns, no picks. They've only been sacked once, four at 18, 318. Like I mean, he's doing what he's supposed to do against you know that team, but I just think with that name, texas program, like when years come back, like he has to play lights out I feel like there will be some noise because, like you said, you're dealing with a man.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I think he will play. He's going to play just like he played last year, like he was playing this year. It's nah. And then I think things like that will mess up the morale of the team as well. Like I personally can't see it happening, but I mean, we've seen stranger things.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, didn't see it happening, but I mean we've seen stranger things. So, yeah and um, I think we got justin just jumped in here with us also, I just added him in. But I also think too, like the team have a voice too. Like, like I said, if the, if yours come back and the passes are slightly off or whatever, if he missing or not seeing certain receivers, the team has a voice. If they start complaining too much, then you could lose the locker room. It don't matter really how good you are if you lose the locker room, but like have we seen any of this in quick viewers?

Speaker 2:

No no, and I'm not saying that. But again, when you have a quarterback, you haven't experienced yet. No, you haven't seen this because you haven't had this quarterback, hadn't played yet, so the experience ain't there. But now that the team has a comparison, you know what I mean, that's what I'm saying. You got to have him out there to be like, okay, this or that. You know what I mean.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, practice is one thing, but when you get to a situation where it may possibly be, you might be like, hey, man, like we ran this play and Arch hit me on the money, like you know what I mean, like I just think the coach may have a decision, hopefully, not, maybe he can. Just, you know, and Arch has been very quiet and he's been like, no, I'll wait, I'm not going to transfer out. You know what I mean. I know I'm good enough to start somewhere else and play somewhere else. I want to be at Texas, I want to wait my time. I know Eros is a starter, you know he's been playing great and he's kind of been super quiet about it. But I mean now, I mean noise is noise, your camera is kind of weird right now, justin.

Speaker 4:

It's like sideways or something. Yeah, I'm not sure. I ain't did nothing to it. I ain't even got. No, my camera is part of the computer.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's showing your head sideways. I had to close my joint and restart it.

Speaker 3:

Mine was doing that too.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I don't know, but yeah, so restarted. Mine was doing that too. Yeah, I don't know, um, but yeah, so I don't think justin want to talk on this topic. Anyway, he yelled at, he yelled at us. So, uh, moving right along, man, georgia survives kentucky man, um, outside of last year, I think last year they blew him out bad, I think it was like 51-20 or something like that, but normally they've had some close games here recently. He's like we don't see Justin anyway. That's Isaac. Yeah, he jumping back in. You'll see him once the stream catch up. Georgia survives Kentucky and, like I was saying earlier, I think that got them that number two spot Bunch of field goals. Nobody scored until. I mean no touchdowns until the fourth quarter, late in the fourth. There you go, justin. You're good now.

Speaker 3:

All right, I think I beat Kingston teams, like because it was super close until I turned it on, and as soon as I turned it on, Georgia just pulled away and won. It's like dang, my bad Kentucky. I should have kept doing what I was doing Because I was watching the first part of it, and then I don't remember what I was doing. I think we, because it was at my parents' house. Oh shit, What'd you say?

Speaker 2:

We good yeah, go ahead, go ahead, go ahead. We good yeah, go ahead, go ahead, go ahead. My screen just flipped.

Speaker 3:

And I was watching the first part of it and then I went home, turned it back on and then, as soon as I turned it on, Georgia just ran away with it. Well, not ran away with it, but just went on that long drive and scored a touchdown, like they had been scoring touchdowns all game.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that was kind of. I mean, that was a good game? Yeah, it was, but yeah, I watched the whole thing. Like I said, being an Alabama fan, I love to watch Georgia struggle. I was just hoping Kentucky won. But yeah, man, so did you watch this game, justin, justin, go, go, go, go, go, man, so did you?

Speaker 1:

watch this game, justin, go, go, go go go, go.

Speaker 4:

No, I saw that they were struggling against Kentucky. I may have watched a piece of it, but I didn't watch the whole thing.

Speaker 2:

Okay, so you think next game they got Alabama, they got a body this week, but then after that they come back and play Alabama. So which is kind of messed up. It's like you play this tough game. So now you get a week off, so now you get the game plan scheme and like, get super motivated to come out and play alabama. So like I think that's what you play is alabama next week?

Speaker 4:

no, they have a body, uh well they have about this week. Yeah, this week. Yeah, this week. I mean yeah, this week. Both teams have a bye this week, yeah.

Speaker 3:

Man teams got two byes this year. I don't know what that's about. I don't know if I like. Well, I guess because the season could potentially be longer with the playoff.

Speaker 4:

Because we was off this week. I think because they expanded the playoffs.

Speaker 3:

Like damn, we games at a bye week and then we have another bye week later on in the season. I was like, yeah, that's the first, I ain't seen that before.

Speaker 4:

But all right yeah, I think it's because of the college football playoffs with those you know, with teams potentially playing more games. Uh, give them a second bye yes, all righty, um, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

So moving right along, man Miami, do you hey they might be a wagon, bro? Like with these wins, they haven't given up, I think, the most points they haven't given up, like 20-something points.

Speaker 3:

Wait, did you say they might be a wagon? The fuck does that mean?

Speaker 2:

A wagon. That means like you need to attach yourself to them, like they may be a good team to bet on. Oh, I've never heard that before.

Speaker 4:

I didn't know what it meant. I was like y'all gonna have to educate me.

Speaker 3:

I'm like they might be a good team.

Speaker 2:

You attach a wagon.

Speaker 3:

I get it, but I've never heard that term.

Speaker 2:

This year they've only given up 26 points. So while scoring their other teams by like I think it's like 90-something. I'm weird Like they put up 62 on Ball State. Granted, they haven't played anybody outside, if you want to consider Florida. But they put up 41 on Florida, then 56 on Florida A&M.

Speaker 3:

We're not considering Florida at all.

Speaker 2:

Right, right, but then I was looking at their schedule so I was like I was wondering I'm like, okay, they dogging these teams. I'm like, but who do they really play? They got some tough matches coming. Yeah, you got South Florida next, which they always play them tough. For some reason, virginia Tech plays them tough. Cal, that's meh. But then you play Louisville, that's going to be a good game. And then Florida State, they're done. But then Duke, Georgia Tech, which we'll see how Georgia Tech go after upsetting Florida State. So do you really gauge that hard? Wake Forest they always play them hard. Then they get Syracuse. So they got to. I mean, how they've been playing. They got a favorable schedule because none of these teams have been playing like outrageously good. So they got a chance to really compete this year in the ACC. Acc this year is cheeks.

Speaker 3:

Well, acc has cheeks, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

But it's always like it's another team like popping up. So sometimes you get a Syracuse, sometimes you get Clemson, sometimes you. You know what I mean. So it's like it's always a toss up in the ACC Florida state, obviously, honestly outside of any injuries.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, Outside of any injuries. I mean, the reality is, for Miami this year, anything short than winning the winning ACC and making the playoffs is a failed season period. So season period.

Speaker 2:

Facts yeah, they've been waiting on a quarterback. They got their quarterback. I mean they're rolling. So if they can keep this up and I mean scoring this I haven't seen them score this many points, and I'm a fan I haven't seen them score this many points in years.

Speaker 4:

You know what I mean Usually it's the other way they start playing the Bama's and they ain't putting them points up.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, no, I mean once you get in the playoffs, I mean you shouldn't.

Speaker 3:

I don't even think. Once they really get in the conference, they ain't going to be putting those up.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's what I was thinking Like Louisville, the Virginia Tech.

Speaker 4:

Yep, Georgia, I mean Georgia Tech Even.

Speaker 2:

Syracuse, maybe, depending on how they shape out. Yeah, I don't potentially see them doing that, but I mean, a win is a win and right now they ate For sure, if you can keep competing, and even if you squeaking them out like that's better than you have been doing. So I think so. But yeah, right now, man, moving on to the rankings, six out of seven teams are SEC teams, but you got Missouri pushing up number seven. So outside of Ohio State, you got Texas, Georgia, Alabama, Ole Miss and Tennessee.

Speaker 3:

Missouri, georgia's looking good out there too.

Speaker 4:

Well, tennessee is looking very good, man I told you my man Nico he out there slaying that thing. Man, they look looking very good. I told you my man Nico he out there slinging that thing.

Speaker 2:

They look amazing right now. That's crazy. And Ole Miss don't look horrible. No, they're playing really good too, wow. So can't wait till they, you know, really get deep into these conference games to really see. But they've been playing real good Oregon roller coaster, but I mean they survived in Penn State another one. Once they really get deep in their day Big Ten schedule, we'll see about that.

Speaker 4:

Penn State is weak.

Speaker 2:

I know that's what I'm saying, but you really can't tell. Until they start playing Ohio State, you know what I mean. They really getting that Big Ten got.

Speaker 4:

I ain't buying Penn State Big 10 got me.

Speaker 2:

I ain't buying. Penn State, usc, utah, kansas State, oklahoma State and Oklahoma rounds out the top 15 still, so not much movement. Miami jumped up two, penn State jumped down one, I mean jumped down two. So Oklahoma State and Kansas State switched spots. So not a lot of movement. But we'll see as the season goes on. And that's the AP Top 25. Last but not least, nebraska and IU are undefeated right now, and I don't know what to think about that.

Speaker 4:

IU was undefeated coming into the season.

Speaker 3:

I don't know what to think about that. At least Nebraska has had some success in the past. Iu has zero success in the season. I don't know what to think about that. At least Nebraska has had some success in the past. Iu has zero success in the past. I agree.

Speaker 3:

I mean, and they have started 2-0, 3-0 before and then ended the season 2-10, 3-9. So I mean we'll see. I'm not really sold on them yet, but whenever you get a new pet coach in and you start off with some wins, you never really know where that's gonna go. So I mean they're optimistic, we'll see. I mean they've never really been far off. I mean it's just the coaching has just been not up to par and it's almost like they they go against what they do. Well, um, I've seen it tons of times, like even against us, like they'll be doing something and killing us and then they'll just stop. It's just like, well, why didn't you just keep doing what was working? Or or they'll start doing something too late in the game, you know, and they'll start doing something in the fourth quarter run off two or three touchdowns in a row. By that time they're already down 45. So it's just like you know.

Speaker 3:

So I mean I've seen it. I'm not gonna dog them now. I I really haven't been able to. I definitely would have, would have taken ucla if I was a betting person. And they put the pause on ucla. So I don't know. I mean maybe, maybe they are legit, maybe this was was their uh no, their turning point. I've been saying that IU football belongs in the MAC for probably 10 years, but they've been hanging around and so maybe it's their time We'll see, because they got that coach from JMU, right I?

Speaker 3:

think so. Yeah, I had never heard of him.

Speaker 2:

Because he turned that program around and they was True. They was fighting to get into the uh, into the uh, into the tournament last year before they lost they was. Everybody was on their wagon until game day went there, and once game day go there, most of the time the home team loses. So uh, yeah, man, if you want to win, man don't uh invite game day there if you're the home team, because every time I see game day somewhere they hyping them up, most of the time they lose.

Speaker 2:

But, yeah so maybe, like you said, a new coach coming there, especially at IU, and it's just a culture change. Sometimes that's what's needed. Sometimes you have a talent and you just need a coach to identify it and bring it out. So I think that's possibly what could be going on at IU right now, which I'm happy. Any time an Indiana team do good, I'm happy about that. I'm sure Ike is watching and he's happy about it too. Nobody care about Ike man. He just said we didn't need to see you anyway when your camera was on, I know.

Speaker 4:

That's why I said it. That's why I said it, and I know I hope you hear it too. Ike, nobody care about you, man Go on Dang man Unwritten beef.

Speaker 4:

Hey, hey, it's all love, though, Always, always, Always. Alright, man, I got a quick question for y'all. Go ahead On. That, though, was because I can't say I closely closely followed IU, but at times I kind of tap in just to see how they're doing on the football side. I feel like even when I have and Jerry, even some of the Ohio State games, those are the ones I would watch. You know what I mean? I always felt like injuries hurt them as well. When they had Michael Penix and stuff like that.

Speaker 4:

They had guys and then guys got hurt. I always felt like coaching was always bad. Like you said, they always had some issues coaching. But I also felt like coaching was always bad. Like you said, they always had some issues coaching.

Speaker 3:

But I also felt like they also lost some guys at key times too. That kind of messed their teams up too. I feel like their quarterback has been hurt, like every year to pass. Yes, yes, at some point or another their intended starter misses a lot of games.

Speaker 4:

Yep, At least it feels that way.

Speaker 3:

No, yeah for sure, I feel the same way. I agree with that.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but right now I mean no turnovers. Seven touchdowns, no turnovers, 74% completion rate. Like he's playing great right now.

Speaker 4:

They carry the ball baby.

Speaker 2:

And they got a running back. Ellison Shoot Average of eight yards of rush. That's crazy.

Speaker 3:

On 29 carries I to be around man it looks like they really are spreading it around, from what I can see. I always say IU football is where guys go to end their career. If you want your football career to be done after college, you go to IU. Because it used to make me cringe about all the I'm being dead serious All the local guys around here. Whether you come from, ben Davis, warren, wherever you come from, if you go to IU, that's it. Guys, that transfer into IU, that's it.

Speaker 2:

And you know what A lot of them don't.

Speaker 3:

Who was the last person to go to the NFL from IU? I can't name one. I mean Randall L.

Speaker 1:

That's all I'm about to say, antoine.

Speaker 2:

Randall L, you almost got to go back to Randall L 2002?. Yeah.

Speaker 4:

Probably something like that, yeah.

Speaker 3:

I mean it's yeah A lot of times I mean I mean, I even know I worked with a lady and her nephew went to Decatur Central. Like they was good they was. I think they came close to winning state. Like he went to IU Never heard of him again. The quarterback for the Ben Davis football team when they won it back in like 2019, somewhere around there. Last name was Taylor. He was the quarterback. He went to play safety at IU. Never heard of him. So it's just like man, it's like y'all not winning games, but all these top guys that y'all bring in, y'all not even playing them. So like, how does that make sense? Like I said, don't be disrespectful.

Speaker 3:

I mean, I'm not, I'm being completely 100. No, no, I said football. I didn't say nothing about basketball. But football, iu, football is a career ender If you want to sell insurance after you finish playing.

Speaker 4:

Dang Dang.

Speaker 3:

It is what it is. It is what it is. I'd rather go to Appalachian State or something than the IU. Once you sign up to go to IU to play football, after you finish you're done. That's just the trend. So maybe that's turning around Like hopefully it is.

Speaker 2:

I mean, I'm looking at their schedule right now. They play Charlotte next and then Maryland, yep and then Northwestern. That's probably it so their next toughest game ain't until they play Nebraska, which is October 19, but after that you run off Nebraska, then Washington, then Michigan State and then Michigan and then Ohio State and then Purdue.

Speaker 3:

Those are all winnable games, except for Ohio State. All the rest of those are winnable games.

Speaker 2:

I mean the Nebraska one. Depending on how they shape out, you know what I mean, that may be tough.

Speaker 3:

I mean Bodie is good, but he's still a true freshman.

Speaker 2:

So like you might be able to rattle him. Yeah. So even if I mean, even if you look at, you know what three, six, nine, if you go 10-2, are you 10-2? 10-3 let's say worse, 10-3 if you fumble against Michigan, but they mess around and win the big win, the big 10 are you going to be playing Ohio State? Anything can happen. That would be wild. I mean, look, iowa snuck in there twice and they were not deserving Booty, they couldn't even score.

Speaker 3:

At all so anything can happen, but I'm actually glad to see it, man, it's about time.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and speaking of Nebraska, let's see they played well, they're just a little bit tougher. They play Illinois next. Which Illinois has been playing tough? They rank 24 right now. But then I mean Rutgers UC, they got Ohio State Two games. Like I said, they get Indiana, they get USC, but they end the season at Wisconsin and Iowa, so like Winnable games.

Speaker 2:

That's all I'm about to say. I'm looking at, even if they may be close to the same record, Of course, that Indiana game I mean. Like I said, that may be their third loss, but nine and three you know what I mean as a Nebraska team that's a step in the right direction, especially for next year. And recruiting recruiting to return back to what they was in the 80s, Maybe early 90s, but definitely the 80s.

Speaker 3:

I think they won a national championship in the mid-90s. Tim Cowell.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's what I'm thinking. I was a kid, so I wasn't high on college football. I was just trying to pull back some knowledge I may have heard before, but yeah, so nonetheless though, let's jump over to the. Let's see. Courtney Roby Trey.

Speaker 3:

Sermon Cody Lehner and James Hart Trey Sermon. He went to Ohio State.

Speaker 2:

He said there's more.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

Roby, I do remember yeah.

Speaker 4:

Cody Latimer and James Hardy. Yes, I guess none of them really held. I guess and I didn't count Trace Herman because, like I said, I thought he ended at Ohio State. He did. I mean there's been a lot.

Speaker 2:

It probably was a transfer.

Speaker 3:

That goes to show you that people go to die at IU. Because he rushed for like 300 yards in the big team championship with us his final year and the only reason I think we got waxed in the national championship that year like we did is because he got hurt on the very first play. So Trey Simon, that proves my point. Like I never heard of Trey Simon before he got to Ohio State, Trey Simon did not come from IU, did he?

Speaker 2:

Hey, if anybody would know Ike would know he damn near came from.

Speaker 3:

Oklahoma. Hold on, man, I got to fact check that.

Speaker 2:

If anybody would know, ike would know.

Speaker 3:

I can't argue it, I don't know one way or another, he definitely came from Oklahoma, unless he went to IU first. Yeah, that's cap. He was never at IU Ever. Oh yeah, Oklahoma. I was going to say like what?

Speaker 2:

All right, well, let's jump over to the grown man league. Man.

Speaker 1:

Boo Boo.

Speaker 2:

All right. Well, let's just get this out of our system right now, man. So we got 2-0 teams that are contenders and pretenders and we got 0-2 teams that may be contenders or pretenders. So we're going to start with the 2-0 teams, man, and we'll just debate whether they're contenders or pretenders. So right now, let's start with your team, man. Let's start with the Chargers. They 2-0, man, what do y'all think? Y'all think they contenders or are they pretenders?

Speaker 3:

right now, I mean I don't think they're either yet Like, I mean, they beat the Panthers. And who did they play first week? Raiders, raiders. Yeah, I mean that's not Bro, we not. I mean that's not even a small sample size.

Speaker 4:

I mean, if we're talking about contenders for the championship.

Speaker 2:

no, I mean just legit. I guess Legit in terms of legit playoff contenders. Yes.

Speaker 4:

Yes, that they can, yes, yeah, and the only reason why I say that I think their style will allow them to, as long as they're healthy. They will bludgeon some people because they dag on offensive line. It's tough that offensive line is. I mean, they didn't. Now don't get me wrong you got to hope that he can stay healthy, but they got JK looking fantastic hey that's what's up, because they are.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, yeah, I mean that offensive line is opening up holes for him man and JK's running well, so I think they are contenders to push for a playoff spot and, to be honest with you, with the way Kansas City is playing, I mean it wouldn't shock me if somehow they ended up beating them. Yeah, like, yeah.

Speaker 3:

You get one game against Kansas City and you handle your business the rest of the year. You might win a division.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 3:

And that's a playoff spot.

Speaker 2:

You know, what I'm saying. I agree, like you said, with JK Diamonds and Gus Edwards, like they've been running well Even Quentin Johnson and Red Zone been you know what I mean doing his thing, so being that tall target. But I think the real test is going to be this week coming up against Pittsburgh, because Pittsburgh got a real good defensive line and this is really going to be a test for the offensive line that's going to be a nasty game. It's going to be. It's going to be one in the trenches.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, this would be a true test to see if, like hey, are they really? I think they are right now and, like I said, I see they're not putting it all on Justin Herbert and that's the only reason why I say that is like I think Jim Harbaugh, when he got there, we kind of knew what type of team he was. You know, I mean they were going to be just based on how he was in San Francisco and how he was in Michigan, like he was going to sure up the offensive line and they were going to run. You know what I mean. To set up the pass is going to be play action. It was going to be, you know that, that modified West coast offense where it was run heavy.

Speaker 2:

So and I think that's, I mean, I think this is the way you know they should play, because he knows that. A look, if we have to throw it 40 times, I know that Herbert can handle that if we need to. But right now we have, like you said, a great offensive line and we have two very good running backs that, if stay healthy, are some of the best in the league. So, like you said, run behind that O-line, get your tight ends in the blocking game which they have and let your running backs do their thing until you have to pass it, and pass it when you have to. I don't see.

Speaker 4:

I see it as a yeah. I mean anytime. You can run a ton of two and three tight end sets and your defense can chill for six minutes at a time. I mean defense is fresh. I mean it's a recipe to succeed Again. I don't know that they're going to win a championship, but playoff contenders for sure.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

I mean, but a lot of teams' run defenses have been getting exposed.

Speaker 4:

Oh exactly. That's why I say they definitely can be playoff contenders. It's just we all know it can be a little bit different because we haven't seen them have to really catch up where they couldn't really lean on the run game. So we got to see what that looks like for them. Right, right, all right, moving on, they ain't going to be this weekend, though, right, pittsburgh, don't put up no points.

Speaker 2:

Speaking of Pittsburgh.

Speaker 3:

Who the Chargers got this weekend. Y'all said Pittsburgh.

Speaker 2:

Oh so, speaking of Pittsburgh, they're the next ones, man, they're also 2-0.

Speaker 4:

Pretenders bro Playoff contenders it's Tomlin.

Speaker 3:

I said this a minute ago. I think I said this before we even stopped last recording.

Speaker 4:

They're always going to be there, yes, Mike Tomlin's going to always have them there, bro.

Speaker 3:

They low-key suck bro. They probably did most of it and y'all know that ain't no division crap. I'm not biased, I'm always going to call it exactly how it is. But, bro, come on, you ain't wrong, I didn't watch them.

Speaker 4:

That's the thing. I didn't watch them.

Speaker 3:

I have no idea how y'all win it the first two games they scored. What One touchdown.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, one.

Speaker 2:

But I mean Maybe two One, how they're the running game, how they've changed it up. It ain't just this, just power running game. They done put some zone with Arthur Smith, they done put some zone runs in there. So they running backs are, you know what I mean, more productive than they have been, which that's Pittsburgh football anyway, and you're not relying on your quarterback to do everything, you know you got a young guy back there and you're making it simple for him. They're going to get tested, though. They're going to get tested, though.

Speaker 4:

No, that's what I'm saying.

Speaker 2:

But when you got that defense, like you don't have to really push the offense hard because you know, hey look, there's a chance. If we can keep teams under 20, we can compete in it.

Speaker 4:

We'll be in it. It's a similar concept.

Speaker 2:

That's the Chargers. Yes, absolutely, but that's what I'm saying, I mean with that defense. Like you said, like given, if they stay healthy, that's always the biggest thing.

Speaker 4:

Health is always going to be there.

Speaker 2:

You know what I mean. Like you're running these tight, these, these heavy, tight sets. You're running the ball, you're making simple reads for for justin fields.

Speaker 4:

You're keeping it simple and your defense is dominant so yeah, hey and lightweight, darnell washington is a grown man at tight end bro that's.

Speaker 2:

He's like 6'8 245, he's like LeBron out there, bro, he gotta be like.

Speaker 4:

Nah, he's at least 260 265 cause I didn't see him.

Speaker 1:

He swallows up people.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, he's man. That's a cheat code at tight end. You know, setting some of them, setting some of them blocks man on the age, but that's what I feel like like Jelani Woods, he's like that too.

Speaker 2:

He's just this huge man. He like six, seven, like 250. I'm like, if he can stay healthy, bro, like I think he'd be definitely better than mo ali cox and uh ogletree or any of those guys. But like nah, that dude is huge. I was I was watching red zone with the Steelers game. I was like who is this dingo, this offense?

Speaker 3:

is a tackle.

Speaker 1:

I thought he was a tackle.

Speaker 2:

I'm like all right, cool, they throw it into the tackle switcher. They're like, no, it's a tight end. I had to look into that now. That man is huge, yeah, he's huge.

Speaker 2:

That man is huge. So, yeah, no, like you said, I think this week for the Chargers and the Steelers will be a tough test for both of them, but I think they're contenders. Like you said, with Tomlin, their defense improved running game. Like I think again, if what they did, like their offense last year, can still be a 9-18, even if you squeak out one or two more wins, especially in that division, like you're definitely a contender. Yeah, and not the thing like Russell Wilson that's somebody else that if something does happen to Fields you don't have to rush back, you can just kind of let Fields cruise. And if you get to that later part of the season and something does happen to Fields, you got somebody who do have some playoff experience to come in and kind of rally the troops. So I think that's another plus.

Speaker 4:

Curious to see if they make that switch.

Speaker 2:

That's what I'm saying I don't think you do as long as you're winning. You know what I mean.

Speaker 4:

It's tough to make that switch in the middle of winning yeah.

Speaker 2:

So I think you just ride it while you're winning. And that's kind of how Tomlin's been. He's always been with the high hand. He's never been one of them guys. That's like oh no, I named Russell. It's kind of like hey look, if you're playing, good, you play, but if you're not, he has no problem seeing you down either. Yeah, next team. This is going to be an interesting one.

Speaker 4:

The New Orleans Saints Contenders. From what I've seen from them the first two weeks, yeah.

Speaker 3:

Contenders yeah.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, I mean the defense has always been solid, but the offense has been so pedestrian and Derek Carr was so unimpressive last year, like Jared said, I didn't think nothing about him coming into the season, honestly. But then when I seen the slack and they put it wasn't a Carolina game but the way they beat. Dallas, something serious. I'm like, oh, they might be for real. And that offense Kubiak got that offense. It's interesting.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, 91 points in the first two games. Yeah, they put up 91 in two games.

Speaker 4:

And the crazy thing is I don't think Derek Carr actually has thrown much Like. If I ain't mistaken, I would. If you look it up, I bet he ain't even threw 50 passes this year. Probably not.

Speaker 1:

I mean, but look at the running game.

Speaker 2:

But that's my point. They don't have to have. Yeah, they don't have to have.

Speaker 4:

Derek Carr running game. That that's, but that's not. That's like the way they don't have to have yeah, they don't have to have derrick car slinging, that's what. That's what I'm saying. Like they have an offense.

Speaker 2:

I think that it translates like yeah that's the only running scheme that they're running now, like yep, like you say, uh, qb had got them. I mean, of course, his father had, you know what I mean. Like he comes from a lineage of good play callers, so it looks like you know what I mean. Given the defense again an older defense time to rest and you're running the ball well, like this has been the formula of a lot of these 2-0 teams running the ball well, putting your QB in good situations as far as throwing the ball, putting your qb in good, you know, uh, good situations as far as throwing the ball, keeping it simple and your defense getting time to rest and perform.

Speaker 2:

When they're on the, when they're on the field, like I, I think they're contenders, uh, especially with their only competition, probably really only being, uh, tampa, maybe, yep, um, we still don't know what the falcons are, even though they had that great comeback. We still don't know what they Falcons are, even though they had that great comeback. We still don't know what they are, especially when you're still not using pits properly and Robinson haven't even scored yet. So in two games, your probably best offensive player give or take hasn't even scored yet.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, their offense just looks, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

So I think they're still like you said. I think they're still trying to figure that out.

Speaker 4:

Yeah. Cousins ain't look good either.

Speaker 2:

That's what I'm saying. He doesn't look completely. That last drive is probably the most comfortable he done. Looked in the first two games. Yes, seattle Seahawks.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

No, yes, no Contenders.

Speaker 3:

Pret pretenders I gotta see more I think it's too much in between pretenders and contenders, like I mean I think it's too early, too early now if these teams were seven and oh, I feel like I could give a better, but I mean I don't know like they couldn't be, they couldn't, yeah, but I'm just thinking look at who they played.

Speaker 2:

They played the Broncos at home and they played the Patriots on the road you see what the common theme is.

Speaker 3:

There's a lot of shitty football teams in the NFL, bro. There's a lot. Everybody, every team done, played two garbage teams. It seems like the Chiefs probably done played the toughest two game stretch the Ravens and us.

Speaker 4:

They should have lost both.

Speaker 3:

They were both at home. I feel like everybody's played, nobody's played anybody. It's crazy. It seems like it's only four or five top-tier teams in the NFL. You see, the Dolphins had a lot of hype, bills made them look like and Bills only had like 250 yards of total offense.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, but the Miami's, miami's, hey, hey, miami's offense looked terrible, that game, I don't know what they were doing Crazy.

Speaker 3:

That was not how they usually look, I guess you would say it's like is anybody good?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, yeah. No, I agree with that. I think they're pretenders also because they haven't first off, they haven't went up against anybody, but their next, they got a couple games come up, they get the Dolphins, they get the Lions and the Niners in their next four weeks. So that'll really show where they stand. I wouldn't say the Dolphins. So that'll really show where they stand. I wouldn't say the Dolphins, but I'm just. I mean, they're done, I mean. Look they're done.

Speaker 4:

Anytime your coach wants to come out and try to back Skyler Thompson. Go fire yourself, buddy.

Speaker 2:

We say that now, but then I mean no, we're not saying that now Skyler Thompson's played before, bro, we know what he is.

Speaker 4:

Stop, stop.

Speaker 2:

Stop Alright, that's what you feel I mean you don't give McDaniels no credit. You don't think he can do the rabbit out the hat? None, none.

Speaker 4:

You know why? I know he can't Because what we thought was going to happen in the playoffs happened, so we know what he is.

Speaker 2:

That's true.

Speaker 4:

We know what he is.

Speaker 2:

That is true. We know what he is. That is true. I do agree with that.

Speaker 4:

We know what McDaniels is. He's not winning a Super Bowl. He's going to have a team that will win you some regular season games, as long as the quarterback's healthy, because he knows good, he usually can scheme up to get his players open. I'll be honest, he couldn't do that for nothing against the Bills, which makes me wonder they they might have one of the worst records in the nfl at the end of the year. Just gonna be real, wow. I mean you gotta think I too. Well, I mean, depending on how long two is out, and even when he comes back, what does he look like? You ain't got a whole lot of wiggle room for them. I don't know they schedule, but I'll be honest, they might be the worst team in that division right now because jets certainly are coming.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, jets is coming, and real talk New England ain't been bad that defense is tough and the offense has been doing enough to put up points.

Speaker 2:

So I mean it's been a lot of gritty games these first couple of weeks. A lot of gritty games.

Speaker 4:

That was the expectation for the Patriots. I don't think nobody thought they'd come out putting up 30, 40 points a game. Newell's going to be ugly I don't think, nobody thought they'd come out putting up 30, 40 points a game. No Knew it was going to be ugly. Yeah, and he got them playing hard, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

All right. Tampa Bay we mentioned them a little bit earlier. They won the South last year Playoff team from last year, starting off 2-0. Baker Mayfield has looked great. Even, you know, even against the the Lions team that got four sacks. They converted a fourth down plays, a fake punt. All these metrics say that if you do this normally in the game, you win. I think it's like 90% of the games that if you convert a fake punt, you usually end normally in the game you win. Like I think it's like 90% of the games that if you convert a fake punt, you usually end up winning that game. So to be sacked four times and to still be a tough Lions team, yeah, that I'd definitely say. They're contenders, like you said them and the Saints look really good. I can't wait till they play. That's going to be a good game.

Speaker 4:

So Bucks got to get healthy. That's the biggest thing right now, but I think they're contenders too.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, like I said, just to say you know, we know what the Panthers are or what they are not. And, like I said, the Falcons are a question mark as of now. Like I said, we're only two weeks in, but they're a huge question mark. Minnesota 2-0. Justin Jefferson hurt.

Speaker 4:

They had beat the Niners, the Giants, the first week, but that was what you just said. That's my thing is, with Justin Jefferson and Jordan Addison being hurt.

Speaker 2:

I don't know and TJ.

Speaker 4:

Hawkinson oh yeah, I forgot yeah and TJ. So I don't know if you can overcome those injuries. Man, that's a lot.

Speaker 2:

Okay, so their next four opponents is the Texans, the Packers, the Jets and the Lions.

Speaker 4:

Packers with Jordan Love is going to be tough Without him. It's winnable, yeah.

Speaker 2:

But and I think that's the only reason why I call them pretenders because I think Sam Darnold yes, okay, but nobody has he hasn't played in like three years, almost, like almost well two. He played a little bit in Carolina after when Bryce Young got hurt early in the season, but I think he cools off eventually and comes back down to earth.

Speaker 2:

Was he even hot? Well, I mean, I'm just saying I mean from what you would expect from Sam Darnold, like, but I think O'Connell can pretty much, he's shown he can put almost anybody back at quarterback and get something out of them. So but I think they're pretenders, like I said. I think, like you said, with all those key injuries today to their, to that offense, to their weapons, yeah, to their weapons, I think, like you said, I think it tones them down a bit, especially depending on how long Jefferson is out, because today weapons, like you said, I think it tones them down a bit, especially depending on how long Jefferson is out, because I mean, of course, he's the engine of that offense.

Speaker 3:

He said he's going to be back this week though, so we'll see.

Speaker 2:

Oh, okay, okay.

Speaker 4:

Plus they in a tough division.

Speaker 2:

That's the other thing, yeah yeah, being up there with the Lions and the Packers, like, yeah, like I said, I think they're pretenders. Buffalo Bills man.

Speaker 3:

Pretenders you think so? Yeah, yeah, you know, he's not messing with Josh Allen, bro. You already know, fam, I know you already know.

Speaker 2:

I'm trying to make you think, but he ain't falling for it.

Speaker 3:

No, he's messing with Josh Allen, bro.

Speaker 2:

I mean the defense has been playing good, even with no Matt Milano, I don't know man Like we thought they was going to be. I think they was going to be worse than what they are. I mean being 2-0, granted, they beat a Dolphins team, but like I wasn't expecting this from them, I thought they were probably the worst team in that division going in uh, beyond the patriots. And they've been playing good football. Defense has been playing better than expected after losing pretty much all their veterans. Um, like they really re-racked.

Speaker 2:

But like that's, as long as you got josh allen back there, I mean, you always got a a chance with his ability to run and throw. Which him running? Is him running? But in the AFC East, I say they contenders to compete with at least the AFC East. I don't know about, you know, the rest of the AFC, but at least in the East, especially not knowing how the Dolphins are going to turn out and who knows how the dolphins are going to turn out and who knows how the Patriots finish off or they're going to just keep this grid up all season.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, I agree.

Speaker 2:

Houston Texans I'm just going to say contenders, I hate to say it. I mean they haven't missed a beat from last year. And last but not least, Kansas City Chiefs, of course, are always going to be freaking contenders.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

Nonetheless, only two teams. Let's talk about our teams. Cincinnati what you think, man?

Speaker 3:

I'm going to keep this real short and simple. I liked what I saw Sunday. I mean they competed, that's all I'd be looking for, like just complete Compete, play a complete football game and act like you know what's going on out there. For some reason, we always get up to play the Chiefs. Some kind of way I can't put my finger on it some kind of way we get Pat Mahomes to make mistakes. I mean, he's just not really prone to really making mistakes, but we can do some things that will help us out.

Speaker 3:

But too many penalties. I mean I know that we beat ourselves, it's cliche, but if you watch that game, way too many penalties. I mean I know that we beat ourselves, it's cliche, but if you watch that game, way too many penalties, way too many mistakes. Like we gave that game away but it's all good. I mean it's easier to beat a team one time than twice in a year. So if we get to the postseason, we play them again. I like our chances, uh. But yeah, man, I I'm not. My dad was calling me, he was pissed. Yeah, we should have won, I mean. But hey, you know, we lost so much in my life. I look beyond wins and losses, like did we get better? Yes, did we play a much better game? Yes, if we play like that every Sunday the rest of the season, will we be all right?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I think so I'm with it. I also agree with that.

Speaker 3:

They played a very, very, very solid game, like I said yes.

Speaker 3:

Take that Burrow fumble. I don't know what the hell that was Like. That was crazy. The pass interference on fourth and 16. We should have got off the field there. Yeah, we missed the extra point when we should have went for two anyway. We scored a touchdown, went up five. What kind of jackass coach calls an extra point to put? And it was like in the third quarter. It wasn't like, it was like the first in the middle of the first, it was like in the third quarter. At that point you've got to start thinking about. You know we're playing the Chiefs. What the hell is a six-point lead against the Chiefs, right? You? You know we're playing the Chiefs.

Speaker 3:

What the hell is a six-point lead against the Chiefs. Right, you got to try to make that a seven-point game. The football guys did not let us convert that extra point. We lost by one. Right, we scored 25 points. That's more than we usually score against the Chiefs.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I'm about to say it's a lot closer game, a lot less points 19 or you know some bullshit. It's usually under 20, yeah, yeah, it is what it is. Man, I wasn't mad at it at all, and no man like I think they contenders not only by how tough they play the Chiefs, because they always play the Chiefs, but if you look at they can easily get back to 500. They got the Commanders and the Panthers next Right, so that's easy.

Speaker 3:

Listen, t Higgins wasn't out there. Our first round pickle, right First round pickle, first round pick and right tackle wasn't out there. Our second rounder from this year was it this year or last year? Defensive tackle, chris Jenkins, he wasn't out there. Tee Higgins is a it makes. But that also goes to my point about Jamar Chase. Man, he's good, he's a great player, but he's not that guy. A great player, but he's not that guy. He's not that guy. He's complimentary. He needs other shit there for him to perform. Justin Jefferson went out there and got 133 yards and there's nobody out there Nobody out there with him and he gets the job done 35 receiving yards, 60 the first game. I don't even think Buddy's hit 100 in the first two games, but that's not highest paid wide receiver numbers. I'm sorry, it's just not.

Speaker 2:

And I mean to be really honest, because after we had that conversation I went back and kind of looked up Jamar Chase's numbers and over the past couple years he hasn't really since his rookie season- yeah, he ain't really Since his rookie season.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, hey, I've been trying to.

Speaker 2:

He ain't really dominated Like I said I was looking like the past, like two years.

Speaker 3:

I was like Jared might be right, Like he may not be worth that money like he think he is. He's replaceable, bro. That's all I was even trying to say. Was it last week or the week before? Yeah, these guys are replace guys are.

Speaker 2:

I agree now that I really dove into it. Like you know, you kind of get stuck on the name and you just hear Jamar Chase a lot and just how they put him in that upper echelon.

Speaker 3:

Hey, here's Malik Neighbors if we take Jamar Chase bro oh yeah, you do that.

Speaker 2:

I'm rolling neighbors been for three years like I'm rolling bro Neighbors being.

Speaker 3:

You don't have to play neighbors for three years Like I'm rolling, bro, like I'm doing that. Marvin Harrison Jr, I'm doing that. There are guys to replace these guys that people act like are just, oh my God, like a lot of Bengals fans 9 out of 10 Bengals fans Jermar Chase oh my God. If we don't have him, we're not ever going to do it Like bro. That's not the case, bro, it's just not. But let's move on. I don't want this to.

Speaker 2:

No, no, you're good, you're good.

Speaker 3:

But, like I said, with the Commanders and the Panthers next.

Speaker 2:

That should get y'all back to 500 before y'all play the Raiders.

Speaker 3:

If you listen to the Commanders on Monday Night Football. I'm just kidding, I'm not surprised.

Speaker 4:

I am curious, though, Jarrett, to see how the Bengals deal with Jaden Daniels' ability to kind of manipulate the puck, because I do feel like sometimes y'all struggle with quarterbacks. Who?

Speaker 3:

can do that Narrow ball against running.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, so Quarterball against the running game period. Yeah, well, yeah, but quarterbacks you guys, yeah, so that's, I am kind of curious he went off like he never had like 40 yards.

Speaker 3:

So, like yeah, that's a fact, that's a that's an absolute fact. Yeah, we got to get a lead early, we got to apply pressure. But that's another thing. When we, when we're getting pressure, we're not getting, we're not to the quarterback, yeah, we're not getting to the quarterback. And then also we're getting pressure from the outside but like our defensive tackles aren't getting off the block.

Speaker 2:

So it's just like yeah, they're not pushing the pocket back.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, like, what are we doing?

Speaker 2:

Like, if Hendricks I noticed that about Kansas City, like even though what you call it he did his thing, but like my homes a lot of times have room to step up, you know what I mean, because the D tackles just wasn't pushing those guards back into him, so they weren't closing the pocket. I've seen that.

Speaker 3:

And then if you force the quarterback up, you know what I'm saying. They just like the defensive tackles. They just are nowhere to be found Middle of the field, wide open. Hit the sideline. That's a 12, 15-yard gain. So that's a very good point, justin. That's very, very valid. I'm sure the commanders are scheming that up right now, for sure.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I would think so. All right, justin the Ravens man 0-2, man.

Speaker 4:

Do you look at them as pretenders or contenders? It's too early to call, but if I had to lean one way or the other, I'd probably say more towards the pretender side. But I told you I had. But you remember I had issues with him to start the season. I had questions about him anyway. So it ain't nothing changed. Because after I heard John Harbaugh, after somebody asked him something about the run game thing, and he's like, essentially like we are, you know, we're a top running team in NFL, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. And I'm like, if y'all want to know the truth about the Ravens, yes, they're usually a very run dominant team, but if you, if you really are honest about it, the only reason why they're running has been up there last, the last few years because of that is they play with leads, so they play with leads so when you play with leads.

Speaker 4:

That's what you can do. I don't think they're going to be playing with leads the way they have been in the past. So you don't have the personnel to get out there and put up 30 points. Let's just be real. No offense to Zay Flowers. He's solid, but Zay Flowers ain't Tyreek Hill. Zay Flowers ain't no number one guy who can go out there, he got to lock in too, man.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, he got to lock in too. Extra dancing, celebrating bro Lock in. Bro Lamar, get you, bro Lock in.

Speaker 4:

Yep and they still can't find a way for Isaiah Likely and Mark Andrews to be on the field at the same time, Like you got to figure that out. Effective in the same game.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 4:

But I mean, you know, so yeah, because I mean, like, if you think about it right now, the last two games that they played so the Kansas City game, I wasn't even mad about that, even though I felt like they had their chances to win it. The Raiders game, though, if you watch any of that, I don't think anybody can look back and feel good about that loss. Like people ain't even talking about it as much as they should or maybe I'm missing it because I don't be listening to national media like that but Justin Tucker has all of a sudden sucked. I mean, like Justin Tucker used to be automatic, I think I saw something where he's like one of seven, one of eight on his last.

Speaker 1:

From 50 plus.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, that's crazy. I almost wanted to lift that spot up.

Speaker 1:

when I heard it I was like there's no way, because against us.

Speaker 3:

I don't think he's going to go in a decade, yep.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, but he's missing big field goals, like one notably, I remember, last year against the Colts.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 4:

Yep, so like there's little things that they're like people aren't talking about.

Speaker 1:

Our offensive line isn't great.

Speaker 4:

It looks better because Lamar puts so much pressure on you to a certain extent. But if you notice, when he's in the pocket he's getting a lot of pressure. That's why he's having to get outside the pocket and make plays.

Speaker 4:

He's been throwing on the run a lot, so he's been throwing on the run a lot, so he's been having to throw on the run a lot, so like nah I, I can't say they contenders because personally I think the bangles and I think right now the stealers are even better just because we're not having an identity bro no way. Y'all have an identity, bro.

Speaker 2:

Y'all have an identity uh, yeah, I'm here, I don't stop the run.

Speaker 3:

We have an identity that our corners are gonna get beat. We have an identity. Can you really say we? Have an identity that we're not going to make tackles. We improved on that too, so I was happy to see that we actually were making some tackles.

Speaker 4:

But see, my question would be, even for you would be but is Baltimore any better?

Speaker 3:

Man bro, I'm taking it, they're not generating crazy pressure. They're not getting turnovers, yeah y'all got two or three guys on y'all defense that I'm taking over anybody on our defense, Like I'm taking Roquan over anybody. I'm taking Kyle Hamilton over anybody. You got three.

Speaker 1:

I'm probably taking.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 3:

Humphrey over anybody.

Speaker 4:

No, don't take Marlon Humphrey. Nolon Humphrey. No, don't say Marlon Humphrey. No, I'm not Humphrey.

Speaker 2:

Humphrey done fell off. He done fell off.

Speaker 4:

Boy, I said he needed to transition to safety.

Speaker 3:

Marlon Humphrey did fell off. We all seen our corners. G them dudes is terrible Bro.

Speaker 4:

I'm lining.

Speaker 3:

I'm lining you two guys up at corners, over the corners that we had. I trained you.

Speaker 2:

That's what I'm lining you, two guys up at corners, over the corners that we had. Hey, I used to play corner man.

Speaker 3:

That's what I'm saying you give me a coach, whatever his name is right now, Because Dax Hill sucks at football, bro, at playing football, oh bro, that is just what it is. He sucks and like.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 3:

Taylor Britt. Hey, if he want to turn into the lockdown corner, I'll take it, because he talked his shit. He did get burnt for a touchdown. Granted, it wasn't against Worthy, but he came back with a pick that pick was great. That's one of the nastiest interceptions I've ever seen. That shit was crazy and I watched that shit live. I almost jumped off my couch head through the roof. That was cold, hey that was like yo and we were up five in the fourth.

Speaker 3:

I'm like damn we might actually win this game and then, three plays later, bro does his bullshit so but yeah, nah, hey, I'll take it, because y'all know how I am about our dbs, well, about our whole team, but I I will take if he's gonna turn into that guy. Hey, bro, power to you, because we keep drafting DBs and all of them suck Like. We drafted probably four or five DBs in the last two or three seasons and none of them have really really panned out to be anything. I mean even first rounders, bro, I'm talking. I ain't talking about six, seven rounders, I'm talking about first and second rounders that haven't done anything. Daxton Hill was a first rounder. I believe DJ Turner was a first rounder. I want to say Either first or second, and they suck, they're not good. So hey, if Cam Taylor Britt want to be that guy I actually got an autographed rookie card of his If he want to turn into that guy, I'm rolling for sure.

Speaker 4:

Hey, bernie yeah go ahead, go ahead. I was going to say I got a question for you though as well, because, like I said, it ain't no secret. Y'all know I've already said my piece about Baltimore this year. I don't think they're as good as people thought they were going to be this year, just because of the Derrick Henry thing. But also, like I was looking at it, I was like, oh, they play Dallas this week, do? You really think that the offensive tackles can handle Micah Parsons and the Marcus Lawrence coming off the edge.

Speaker 2:

As I said, their next four out of five opponents is the Cowboys, the Bills, the Bengals and the Bucs.

Speaker 4:

I'm not worried about the Bengals only because we're that one team that plays them well regardless.

Speaker 2:

I'm not as worried about that. But you look at, the only my biggest thing with the Ravens that I've seen is that they blow fourth-quarter leads.

Speaker 4:

Constantly, john Harbaugh loves to blow the lead.

Speaker 2:

Fourth-quarter leads. They've blown the most in the past two to three years. They've blown the most fourth past two to three years. They've blown the most fourth quarter double-digit leads. That's. My only thing with them is like they always in position to win. But just something happens. Something happens and they just end up. I mean 3-4-11 on third downs and 11 penalties for 105 yards. These ain't little penalties. 11? That's 11 first downs. You gave up, baby. You know what I mean. It was just a sloppy game against Las Vegas. It just was. And look at the offensive play calling bro.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, somebody has to tell me what the heck Todd Monken is doing. Bro, I don't get it.

Speaker 2:

I don't know, I don't know, I don't know, I don't think you panic, I think, with their history I think you always look at the Ravens as contenders because they kind of have been for a very long time. But these next four games are going to determine that. I really do see, like you said, the Cowboys. But again, the Cowboysboys run defense just got destroyed by the saints. So if you can't run the ball against them, which if the ravens can't do nothing else, if they commit to it, that's the thing right, they haven't committed to doing it yes, even when we have success, we'll.

Speaker 4:

we We'll literally gain 40 yards on three carries. And all of a sudden, todd Munkin thinks it's a great idea to throw three screen passes to Zay Flowers and punt. I agree, make it make sense. Or hey, let's send Rashad Bateman on a streak. Okay, got you, makes sense, no.

Speaker 2:

I'm with you. I'm with you.

Speaker 3:

All right. You got to punch Dallas in the mouth early man.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

You score out of the first three, out of four of your possessions. Even if they field goals, they out of there.

Speaker 4:

But I don't see that happening. I don't see it happening.

Speaker 3:

You go up 13-0 on Dallas. It's a wrap.

Speaker 4:

Oh, I believe that.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

Oh I believe that. Yep, all right man. So I'm going to dive into these coats real quick. Definitely pretenders. I'm just going to get that out the way, super pretenders. Just the Anthony Richardson roller coaster I'm fine with. I expected it, I knew it was coming, I'm fine with it, but not really using Jonathan Taylor the way that he's supposed to.

Speaker 3:

Where the fuck has Michael Pittman been he?

Speaker 2:

disappeared. Another one, oh where.

Speaker 4:

He got paid.

Speaker 2:

Another one, him the drop ball. Nobody has hands now. The drop is crazy. People talk about the drop ball. Nobody has hands now. Oh yeah, the drops would be crazy, yep, like people talk about Richardson's accuracy, when he is hitting them in the hands they're like blatantly dropping it. It's like two touchdowns in that Packers game dropped to the rookie. I can't remember his name around.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, he dropped two. You talk to all this stuff and man, oh, my number 10, because it was 10 receivers taken above me and you get out there and you're scared, bro, all the passes I've seen this man drop. It's been a defender about to hit him and he gets scared, bro, he really looks scared on this football field. So the Colts are pretenders. Like you get the bears and the steelers next. Top-notch defenses, bro, we may be on four, we can very well be on four. Yep, so definitely pretenders. I say do what you can, don't rush Buckner or nobody back and try to figure it out. And at some point, if you want to put Flacco in, put him in and rest Richardson. I'm not saying punt on the whole season, but if you get to just only four, or even one in one, in three, one in six, two and seven, like you get down to that point. If you're not in position to catch the Texans, sit Richardson down and you can't.

Speaker 4:

Richardson needs the experience. I know, I know, I know.

Speaker 2:

I know that right here, but at some point it's like Like I said, I'm just going to. But at some point it's like like I said, I'm just going to leave it at Pretenders. We're going to run the rest of these real quick. Jacksonville definitely. Pretenders Trevor Lawrence, trevor Lawrence record I'll put it like this Trevor Lawrence record and stats is comparable to oh boy and the Giants Daniel.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 2:

Yes, sir Daniel Jones, Yep His win record yards, touchdowns is comparable to Daniel Jones.

Speaker 4:

But his name is Trevor Lawrence and we can re-roast Daniel Jones, yep. But his name is Trevor Lawrence. Fam, that's true, damn Trevor.

Speaker 3:

Lawrence' stats is Daniel Jones Win loss.

Speaker 4:

Oh yeah, very comparable.

Speaker 2:

Touchdown to interception ratio Yards is almost comparable. Everything I see, definitely a pretender the Rams, I think, with all their injuries they don't have a choice but to be the pretenders. They just too hurt and too banged up.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, they done.

Speaker 2:

It's over for them. Denver Broncos definitely pretenders. Bo Nix looked good in preseason, but now he's come back to being a rookie and their next five games is the Bucs, jets, raiders, chargers and Saints. So they can be very well done. Hey, that's brutal.

Speaker 4:

it's brutal bro keep it 100 the Titans again, pretenders Will Levis he is trash he looks like the second coming of Carson all you coach fans that said we should have took Will Levis over Anthony Richardson. No, go start apologizing, because he's doing stupid shit.

Speaker 2:

Will Levis is the second coming of Carson Wentz.

Speaker 3:

He's like bro, he's doing some stupid shit.

Speaker 2:

He's like Carson. They won't give him all the credit.

Speaker 3:

You can't even disrespect Carson Wentz like that, because Carson Wentz actually was good for a minute.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, yeah, he was.

Speaker 2:

I'm talking, I'm talking.

Speaker 4:

Okay, I guess he wasn't bad with the Colts. Bro, Y'all be tripping on him.

Speaker 3:

Carson Wentz was not bad with the Colts.

Speaker 2:

Y'all did not watch the Rollers band. No, no, y'all not gonna do that. I'll let you have that because that's your team. But he was not as bad as the Colts Bro he went okay, Nah bro With a division against the Titans.

Speaker 4:

Y'all trying to make that man sound so bad. Y'all point out games and Y'all point out moments in a couple games and like he's just trash. I'm like, if you look at his totality, he was not. He was not. I've seen bad, he wasn't bad. I know y'all want to hear this Bro no, no bro.

Speaker 2:

I know y'all want to hear this bro. No bro, no bro bro. This man broke two ankles on one play.

Speaker 3:

I mean that's unfortunate injury. We're just saying that never happened. That Colts season was not that bad bro we could have won the division. We beat the Titans, bro. He had 27 touchdowns and 7 picks bro.

Speaker 2:

Okay, but did you see the games? We ain't talking about the stats, we talking about game play, because this is what you said. This is what you said about the Bengals. This is what you said about the Bengals. It ain't about their stats.

Speaker 3:

It's about how they play those niggas' stats be weak too.

Speaker 2:

But like you said you, watch every game.

Speaker 3:

I'm saying, like I watch Carson Wentz, the biggest must be week two, though. I'm just saying, bro, 27 touchdowns and seven picks is that's an awesome season.

Speaker 2:

How many fumbles? Why not?

Speaker 3:

awesome. No, that's how many?

Speaker 4:


Speaker 2:

That's a good season, but when did the picks come At key moments?

Speaker 4:

But here's the thing Y'all act like one of the other mistakes made.

Speaker 2:

I'm not saying other mistakes weren't made, but, like I said, when I watch Will Levis play, all I get is flashbacks of Carson Wentz. 62%. Not giving up on play, bro. This man did you see the pass he threw back.

Speaker 4:

That's disrespectful to Carson Wentz. Bro, it ain't.

Speaker 3:

All right, All we're saying is that that was a serviceable season, bro. Okay cool. Y'all should have been able to get it done with 27 touchdowns and seven picks from your starter.

Speaker 2:

You're right, Yep Giants pretenders. We already know why, Daniel Jones.

Speaker 3:

He said moving right along niggas. I feel you, bro. He said moving right along niggas and carolina panthers their ass, bro we get it.

Speaker 2:

yep, hey, this nigga's man y'all don't know how, just say the name Carson Wentz. Hey, we about to get muted, fam. Just say the name Carson Wentz.

Speaker 3:

Nah, bro, like I said, bro, I'm never going to argue anybody. If I respect your sports opinion, I'm not really going to argue you down too much. We can have a dialogue. You got it, bro. I'm not just saying that because you. But hey, 27 touchdowns and seven picks, bro. Like nigga, I'm taking that every year. If I could sign, burrow up for a guaranteed 27 touchdowns and just seven picks, nigga, I'm taking it. Sign me up, coach. I'm taking that like 11 times out of 10. Like I'm taking it.

Speaker 2:

Yes, you would take Joe Burrow and his decision making with that, but you got to think about the plays that this man didn't make. That cost us a game. It's not always picks, sometimes it was just bad execution. And not knowing when to say, alright, let me throw this ball out of bounds and let me just lift it next down.

Speaker 3:

We just need quarterback to put the goals that didn't turn the ball over though We've seen quarterback goals that didn't turn the ball over, though We've seen that nigga had one lost fumble. Eight turnovers for a quarterback in the course of a season is extraordinary 17 games played too.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, that's really good All right.

Speaker 2:

I need you to go on YouTube I'm not doing that and look up Carson Wentz, Indianapolis Colts game play, I'm not Watch. You're going to come back next week and you're going to be like burning out.

Speaker 3:

I'm not doing that, but you got it bro.

Speaker 2:

It's not even that, All right cool. Cool, cool, cool cool. I'm not doing that, though.

Speaker 3:

Cool good. I'm looking up on you. You should not. I'm not doing that shit.

Speaker 2:

You should not. Yeah, bro, all right man. Last but not least, man, we finally got these pick-em records in here. Man, I'm doing horrible right now. I know I'm getting washed. No, no, you're not Right now. Last week I went 6-10. I'm 15-17 overall 6-10.

Speaker 3:

I'm 15-17 overall 6-10?.

Speaker 2:

Yes, you know he picked the coast to win every week, man, you probably got you. You went 8-8. You went 8-8 and you 21-11 overall, and that's booty too.

Speaker 3:

8-8 is fucking terrible.

Speaker 2:

Ike only went 9-7 and Justin went 9-7. Ike is 24-8. Justin 19-13 overall. I'm the only one losing record on both sides.

Speaker 3:

That's tough.

Speaker 2:

It is tough, man, I really suck at picking games. I do. I got to quit picking, quit picking with my heart. We've been trying to tell you, but we've been waiting.

Speaker 3:

I don't be listening.

Speaker 2:

I'm never going to pick the Titans, the Jaguars and the Texans. I'm going to be in this predicament.

Speaker 3:

It's going to come down to him picking the Titans over the Giants. He's going to pick the Giants, he's going to pick the Giants, and that's going to just lose.

Speaker 2:

All right, right there, this is how I'm wired.

Speaker 3:

I've told you all this before. I can't help it Right now.

Speaker 2:

Ike is dominating us in this. He only got you about three games.

Speaker 3:

That's not bad. I would say I missed that first, but I wouldn't have known, I didn't even.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and that's what you're missing that Thursday night game.

Speaker 3:

Right, I don't even know who I would have picked, so Shoot, I guess.

Speaker 2:

I mean, if y'all want to run through and pick them real quick and put them in the chat, he can, so I can have them. So the first game we got Thursday night is the Jets in New England. Hold on, hold on, hold on. Alright, I got New England, I'm going to go Jets on that.

Speaker 3:

I mean no, I'm tripping, yeah Jets. For sure I'm drunk, I don't know what the hell's going on.

Speaker 2:

You got Chargers and Pittsburgh. Hopefully the Chargers fucking win. I'm going to go Pitt on that.

Speaker 3:

I think their defense is a lot better than those niggas start off 3-0,. Bro man, that's going to be crazy.

Speaker 2:

It's crazy as hell. Houston Minnesota.

Speaker 3:

Houston, I'm going to go Houston, go Minnesota.

Speaker 2:

Philly, New Orleans.

Speaker 3:

That might end up being a good game. Hey bro, I'm not a believer in Jalen Hurts, but I don't even want to get started on that. Um where is that game at?

Speaker 2:

Uh, it is in New.

Speaker 3:

Orleans. Clearly, it doesn't fucking matter. Oh, I ain't fucking with you though either. Bro man, give me Philly.

Speaker 2:

Uh, Denver, Tampa Bay. I'm definitely going Tampa Bay on that yeah, probably. Denver's trash Green Bay, tennessee, green Bay.

Speaker 3:

I'm going to go Green Bay too, Giants.

Speaker 2:

Cleveland. This will be the fucking game Giants win.

Speaker 4:

I swear to you, I was thinking that. I was thinking that man.

Speaker 3:

Like this will be that game. I'm not going. I'm going to go Cleveland.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I went.

Speaker 4:

Cleveland. But I can't go Giants bro, I just can't.

Speaker 3:

It's hard to go Giants bro Nigga, I'm not picking the Giants, Wait a minute. Giants bro. Nigga, I'm not picking the Giants, wait a minute.

Speaker 2:

The Giants scored three touchdowns and Washington won without scoring a touchdown. Correct, that's the first time, yes. That's the first time that's ever happened in the NFL bro.

Speaker 4:

Hey, they coached. Look so defeated Like they didn't give up a touchdown and lost bro.

Speaker 2:

Yes, wow, 21-20, bro, all field goals.

Speaker 4:

Wow, hey, that kicker was out there. All field goals, bro.

Speaker 3:

Crazy. Wow, that's crazy, that's crazy yeah we're talking about Monday, chicago Indy. I'm actually going to go Indy.

Speaker 2:

I'm going to go Indy.

Speaker 3:

We have to win we have to, I'm going to go Indy. I'm going to go Indy. We have to win, we have to. I'm going to go Indy there because, bro, I did not like what I saw Sunday night.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, the Bears didn't look amazing, but here's the thing they didn't, and they still could have won the game.

Speaker 2:

That's what I'm saying.

Speaker 4:

That Bears defense is bad boy.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, no, I'm very nervous.

Speaker 3:

I'm very nervous.

Speaker 4:

I'm very nervous.

Speaker 3:

Is Keenan Allen going to be back or not? I'm expecting he will, but I'm not sure I might change that pick. I might change that pick later on in the week, depending on if he there, but obviously, if I don't get it in before, I'll just leave it as it is, carolina.

Speaker 2:

Las Vegas, that's easy Stop. Hey, andy Dalton, I don't know, but Andy.

Speaker 3:

Dalton, might you?

Speaker 2:

Stop, stop. I don't know, but, andy Dalton, might you know how soon you make a?

Speaker 3:

change, stop, yeah, yeah, yeah, the quarterback takes off.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it be like that first game. I swear Bro you know how it is Justin.

Speaker 3:

Bro, I swear on everything I love and y'all know how I feel about Andy Dalton. Week one I was like, eh, they might want to put Eddie Dalton in Because like, at least that's going to give you some stability. Like, he's not great, but, bro, you're going to get better than what the fuck Bryce Young is delivering.

Speaker 2:

Andy Doan. Last start came third game last season. He completed 34, 58 pass attempts for 361 and two touchdowns.

Speaker 3:

And a loss to Seattle.

Speaker 1:

You don't have a chance, bro, like this oh yeah, yeah, they don't have a chance.

Speaker 4:

But I'll say this From what I've seen from the Raiders, with freaking Max Crosby and Christian Wilkins up front, oh yeah, I just ain't going for that, I'm sorry.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, no, I'm definitely going Las Vegas. I don't get it twisted. I mean you might get a glimpse of a game, right?

Speaker 4:

I think so. Like you said just the stability that he's going to have.

Speaker 3:

I think we're going to see more of Bryce Young. Hopefully I got some of his rookie cards. I just think.

Speaker 2:

Like what we were talking about.

Speaker 3:

It's like the situation you get drafted into.

Speaker 2:

Sometimes it's like the situation you get drafted into sometimes it's just a bad situation.

Speaker 2:

But you look at the Sam Darnolds and you look at, like the Geno Smiths, the guys who got drafted in the bad situations and kind of moved around and got into situations where they got to sit and seen how to play quarterback and learn how the NFL you know what I mean how to play, and then they got the opportunity and they kind of seasoned it. So maybe Bryce Young may be that guy where he just needs to sit for a while and just learn and learn and learn and maybe even get to a different situation as a backup and come in after an injury or so and then show that he can play later on.

Speaker 3:

They traded all that shit away just to move up and not pick CJ. That's got to hurt. Yeah, yeah, that's got to hurt bro.

Speaker 2:

Next game Miami and Seattle. I'm going to go Seattle on that. I think Miami kind of shook right now.

Speaker 4:

I'm going to say it's Skylar Thompson.

Speaker 2:

I'm nothing. I'm buddy Baltimore-Dallas.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 2:

I'm going to say Baltimore on this.

Speaker 3:

I don't know Baltimore is not going 0-3, bro. I hope you're right, I'm going.

Speaker 4:

Dallas, and I haven't seen it since Monken got there, so I'm not going to start believing it now.

Speaker 3:

The Ravens can't go 0-3,. Bro, I don't see that happening.

Speaker 4:

The games he just said we had coming up. I could see them going 0-5, 0-6.

Speaker 3:

Nah, bro, no sir. Too good of a defense, too many impact players on offense. It'll get worked out, bro. There's no way 0-3, 0-4, 0-5, 6. Nah, no sir.

Speaker 2:

Detroit and Arizona.

Speaker 3:

Man bro. See, I was never really on that Detroit train, I'm just keeping it, I am, I'm picking Detroit. I'm going to go Detroit too, but that's really more of a toss-up than I think most people I mean they're both one and one.

Speaker 2:

But again, Arizona, Bro, what Kyler Murray are you going to get?

Speaker 3:

What college been good.

Speaker 2:

I just think. I mean, I'm not saying he hasn't, but I'm just saying like sometimes he just try to do too much.

Speaker 4:

More importantly, what jerry golf you're gonna get. I'm with you on that, jared, like I don't trust jerry golf, so I've never been never been on jerry golf san francisco and the rams.

Speaker 2:

San francisco is just too many injuries, even though some reason the Rams get up for San Francisco, for some reason. No matter what, I just think I'm going.

Speaker 3:

San Fran man, I mean no Puka, no Cooper.

Speaker 2:

Cup yeah.

Speaker 3:

It's over.

Speaker 2:

And I think that top corner is hurt too. And a linebacker it's a lot of injuries. Offensive linemen I think that one of their tackles is out too. Yeah, back, it's a lot of injury. Offensive linemen I think that one of their tackles is out too. It's a lot. It's all over with Casey and Atlanta.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 2:

But again, this will be a dumb game. Did Atlanta end up winning?

Speaker 4:

I watched Atlanta's offense. The first two weeks they're going to have to show me before I believe that I agree.

Speaker 2:

but I'm just saying, when I think about this game, it's like if Atlanta won I wouldn't be like oh dang.

Speaker 3:

I'd be like okay, yeah, no, I feel you, I feel like this could be one of them.

Speaker 2:

Trap games.

Speaker 3:

For some reason Kansas. City playing in a dome, just like it's weird.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, like so I feel, but I'm going KC. Buffalo, jaguars, buffalo, yeah, give me, buffalo and Washington and Cincinnati Monday night.

Speaker 1:

Man bro if we lose that game, I swear to God.

Speaker 2:

I feel like Cincy got to win Definitely have to, it's a must win. They have to win it's a must win.

Speaker 4:

I told you my concern. That's a must win. It's a must win. I told you my concern. That's my only concern.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, they got to win.

Speaker 3:

You're getting ran on by the QBs bro, like be afraid, man, I'm going to just Always, always, man.

Speaker 2:

They got to win this.

Speaker 3:

But yeah, I'm not confident in that at all. Yeah, I'm going to go Sensi there, but, bro, if we lose I'm not shocked.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

No, all right, I'm locked in. At least I made it this week and didn't forfeit a game to start.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, right, right All right, yeah, I'm with it. Yeah, right right. Uh, yeah, not, I'm with it. Uh, oh, shoot where Justin go. Nah it, yeah, I changed it. I changed the scene and it took you off. Uh, here we go. But yeah so, man, final thoughts. Man, let's get out of here. I changed the scene and it took you off. There we go. But yeah so, man, final thoughts, man, let's get out of here. Man, it's been a long show, man.

Speaker 3:

All right, I got something real quick man.

Speaker 2:

What we defunded.

Speaker 3:

Defund Warren Moon's induction to the Hall of Fame. I'm going to tell you why I'm listening. Have y'all looked up Buddy's stats?

Speaker 1:

No, no, I can't say I have this guy.

Speaker 3:

I don't even know how I came across it. I was just at work on some. You know how you be at work. You just be like all right, I'm done for the day. I ain't doing shit else. I was on one of them vibes, and I don't even know how I got here, bro. Wikipedia is a motherfucker bro even know how I got here, bro. Wikipedia is a motherfucker bro. I don't even know how I got here, but I got to looking at warren moon statistics, bro. This guy threw in six years in the canadian league one, two, three, four, five, six through 77 picks in the nfl. This went through 233 interceptions. He threw my guy threw 26 interceptions one year 14, 19, 18, 8, 14, 13, 21, 12, 21, 19, 14, 9, 16, and then he stopped kind of playing. Like at what point?

Speaker 2:

Okay, but wait a minute. How many touchdowns did he throw Touchdowns, and yards are looking like you got to put rushing in there too, because he was one of the pioneers of that team.

Speaker 3:

He threw 291 touchdowns but 231 picks. I think I looked up Andy Dalton's stats because I was on my phone. Hold on.

Speaker 4:

You said 291? Yes and 233. No, that ain't enough, I'm sorry. No.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, you need to be closer to four.

Speaker 3:

Hey, bro, I'm like, how many rushing touchdowns did he have? Hold on, I just went off because I just wanted to check Andy Dalton out. Andy Dalton has only 144 interceptions and he has 246 touchdowns. And Andy Dalton hasn't played for real, for real the last five years, five seasons. Andy Dalton only really played one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine real seasons. That's crazy. So my guy had Warren Moon had one of those.

Speaker 2:

I'm just like I've never seen. Yeah, I'm just thinking like it got to be some rushing touchdowns in there. It got to be something else.

Speaker 3:

He wasn't a big runner, though he had 22 rushing touchdowns his whole career. Yeah, he wasn't a big runner. Well, I'm just trying to think it had to be something, Bro this man threw 300 interceptions his professional career between Canada and the NFL.

Speaker 2:

I want to say look at Peyton's. But Peyton probably got.

Speaker 3:

Peyton ain't got 233, bro them there 500 touchdowns, though yeah, he ain't got. I'm going to actually check that out Because, Peyton, I was like bro, this has to be some kind of error. Let's see how many picks. Peyton got 233 picks in the NFL and then even in college. He finished college after four years with 20 touchdowns and 19 picks. I mean, this dude was an interception machine Machine. Good Lord. Peyton got 251, but he also has 539.

Speaker 2:

I know Peyton, he got like 500. So he's 2-1.

Speaker 3:

Peyton has two seasons with 10. His first season was 28 interceptions.

Speaker 2:

It's crazy, but yeah, he still holds the rookie record for most interceptions in the rookie season. Oh my, Yo 233.

Speaker 3:

Like, yeah, bro.

Speaker 2:

That's crazy man. Yeah that's hot. What about you, justin man? Any final thoughts, man?

Speaker 4:

Yeah, well, yeah, I'll say good fights this weekend.

Speaker 1:

Ah, yes.

Speaker 4:

He put on a display this weekend, man showing he's still one of the best to do it.

Speaker 3:

You should have sent a message, man. I was in bed and I seen I'm like damn. I didn't even tap in.

Speaker 2:

I had no idea I was watching USC. I forgot about that.

Speaker 4:

I didn't know about that O'Malley losing. That's a tough one. That's a tough one, but it came out that he came into the fight with injury. I forgot what it was because he got to have surgery on it.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, yeah, they did mention that. I can't remember, yeah, they mentioned that.

Speaker 4:

I can't remember what it was, but he's still a dog, so you know what I'm saying, yeah, he'll be back, he'll bounce back, but yeah, man just really, I think that's this weekend. I'm gonna look it up and see uh, so that that'd be a good one. That'd be a good one to tap into uh as well, man. And then I don't have time right now, but I just saw where I could talk about me and him had a conversation about the bills.

Speaker 4:

So ike was spot on about a couple of things, man with the bills man, because he just kind of yeah, he was just talking about how um, I'm trying to remember, so, ike, forgive me if I missed something, but long and short of it, you know, josh allen could actually be better this year due to not having to focus on one person to get the ball to, and you know just how. You know they might be better than expected and you know he's one of those guys that seems to not get hurt when he runs. You know what I'm saying. So, like you know, he just mentioned some different things. Man, we had a good conversation. It's something we had to tap into when Ike was able to join us, but I wanted to bring that up because he was spot on about a couple of those things. He also said that the Bills was going to beat the Dolphins twice this year Looks like he's going to be right about that too.

Speaker 2:

Man, I miss Ike. Man, man, I hope, you know, everything comes together. He can get back in the fold, man, which he has been doing our pick-ems for us, so our records and stuff. He's been keeping track of that. He's always in the comments, so shout out to Ike yeah yeah, yeah, still staying engaged with everything that's going on. We appreciate you.

Speaker 4:

Oh hey, hey, Jared, it was Tevin Coleman Tevin.

Speaker 3:

Coleman yeah, I seen he that was from IU.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, yeah, okay, okay, yeah.

Speaker 3:

I remember my very first Ohio State game. I was sitting like a row behind his people. So yeah, I do remember him. He was cool too. He had a nice little career, nice little career. So yeah, I wasn't even trying to be funny, I just really couldn't think of nobody.

Speaker 4:

But yeah, thank you, Jerry, for saying that.

Speaker 3:

A lot of hype going into IU and it's like man, how are you not playing on a team that's winning three games a year? It's crazy, but you know, it is what it is. Shout out to them.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, appreciate you saying that Jerry, jerry, jerry, I shoot good Lord. Jerry said Carson Wentz really only played bad the last two games. He said Wentz wasn't really that bad. So I think he agreeing with what we were saying on that. But again I'm staying out of it. I'm just saying you know what I'm saying. I'm cool now, man, I'm cool, hey. And then I see your guy Brandon. Look, it's funny how Steelers fans got something to say because they 2-0. We're going to see how that look if Fields and or Wilson once they get into the meat of the season and they're looking the same. We'll be curious to see how that energy is for Brandon at that point. You know what I mean.

Speaker 4:

But, look, I can be honest. Y'all know I wasn't on the Ravens this season anyway, so I'm doing great, brandon, because I wasn't expecting them to be much this year.

Speaker 2:

So thank you for asking and uh, I'm gonna try to get, uh, my final thoughts. I'm gonna try to get brandon and uh jonathan on here for that. Uh, that big, uh, that big college football week man before our show. Before that, so what? Not next week, but the week after next, I think, two weeks, two weeks from now. Get them on the show so they can go over.

Speaker 4:

Um, we can really talk some college football before we have to make sure Brandon don't come out here trying to start nothing, man.

Speaker 2:

Man. You know he is, and Jonathan too. You know they're both troublemakers, but you know, hey, I love having them on. They have some good tapes and they always keep us locked in on college football, especially what's going on in the state. So really especially a lifeline for college hoops too. They be on it, the draft the NBA draft.

Speaker 3:

when that come around, they really that's got to be the worst level out of all the sports, bro. They be locked in.

Speaker 1:

They be locked in.

Speaker 2:

I cannot argue that I don't know how they do it. He said Brandon he said whoa, who me?

Speaker 4:

Oh yeah, we talking about you, oh yeah.

Speaker 2:

Shout out to Brandon man. Yeah, man shout out. But if that's it, man, this has been the Epic Podcast man and we see y'all next week Either Tuesday or Wednesday, so depending on volleyball schedules. So, Podcast man and we see y'all next week Either Tuesday or Wednesday, so depending on volleyball schedules.

Speaker 4:

So we'll catch up with y'all.

Speaker 2:

We'll see ya.