E.P.I.C. Podcast "Every Play Is Crucial"

S2: Episode 48

Vernon Eskridge, Isaac Ivery, Justin Fox, Jared Season 2 Episode 48
Speaker 1:

I Ran up a check. I might do it again. Enemies close, tell me thinking they're friends. Ten toes down, I'll be free into the end. Crib outside the city. I don't fit. See fit. My ass took so many years. I was waiting for the wins. I'm in debt to know him, but the one who took my sense. I do it for real. It's no reason to pretend. If I do it once, I do it again. Add it up Bankroll, euro. Add it up, I'm just doing me. Everything is on me. You matter what. Add it up Bankroll. Add it up, I'm just doing me. Everything is on me. You matter what Told it if it's all me. Everything is on me. Go back it up, back it up.

Speaker 2:

Yo, yo yo. Welcome back to another episode of the epic podcast. We got a full house again, got Ike, jared and David in the building. Man, still no Justin, though he's very active in the group and in fight in Facebook. So uh, you know he doing his his. He's grown up things, man. How was your sports weekend? Man? Even ain't nothing happened.

Speaker 3:

So slow, slow I was trying to think of something like Yo, what was that?

Speaker 2:

like I really not happen. I thought, just put that like I didn't really happen. This weekend I watched some highlights from the From the Probo weekend, but yeah, that did that go on all week.

Speaker 4:

Was that all week thing?

Speaker 2:

started on Thursday, thursday the Sunday? Yeah, thursday the Sunday, but they try to do it like the all-star weekend basketball?

Speaker 4:

I'm guessing yeah like that.

Speaker 2:

Yeah they, they spread it out and they got a lot more activities now, like it ain't just a pro ball game, so like it's, it's a bunch of stuff to go on passing competitions and best catch competitions.

Speaker 3:

They got a lot of terrible and passing competition, from what I saw.

Speaker 2:

You said who did to to hey Dan Arlasky he was like that's crazy. They was counting his points. He was just testing it before they. It was like a pre Pre-recorded something and they showed it and he did better than most of the quarterbacks active. I'm like man, what they ain't played in like ten years or something.

Speaker 3:

I don't know who won.

Speaker 2:

I don't know who won. I didn't check to see when it was just some highlights and I just looked through the highlights real quick just to see if there was anything interesting.

Speaker 5:

You said who won between the NFC and the FC? Yeah, NFC did.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah. Yes, I thought you like the past competition NFC. Yeah, they don't want to back in back years.

Speaker 5:

I was doing some, some little crap for my little business or whatever, and so it was just on in here while I was doing. I ended up watching way more than I thought. But yeah, I seen it it was. It was mediocre at best.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, typical man. We tried to Well, without further ado. Man, jumping to some topics, man, first off, we're gonna start off with the NBA man. Everybody been talking about this 65 game rule. I guess my question is how does it impact? How does it impact the players and the league, like on both sides? Let's start with you. I'm about to call you, justin.

Speaker 5:

Hey, I just seen his name.

Speaker 3:

That's crazy. How's it impact the league, I mean, and the players it also delete? I mean it Forces players to play. I'll see, sometimes I'm forcing to play in situations in which they probably would not have. Some of them are gonna play when they was kind of hurt. Some of them who were just sitting now are gonna have to play if they want to get some of these athletes. And I mean, I guess, in the same sense, I mean that's how it's gonna affect the players. Right, because it's gonna be some of these business decisions that they was making, you know, to sit and rest, and which they're gonna have to play some of these games. So obviously, everything from a league standpoint is about money, is about putting more Stance, nor fans in the stands, you mean, and you're gonna want to have your best players playing, regardless of who they plan. I'm saying if I'm somewhere, like if I'm in Washington and Don't the Lakers are coming to town, I'm probably not buying that ticket To watch the Wizards. If, being honest, like I'm coming to see the Bron and they did, and if they don't play, I'm gonna feel like I wasted money. That's really what the reason is now, the reason that this has become a big issue is because of the Obviously be is. Now I'm not gonna be eligible for MVP. I Would tell you why. I have absolutely no remorse Because the players union let this go.

Speaker 3:

You knew it was on the docket, you let it go. If you have something to say about it, he's gonna be pissed off about it. You should have been pissed off about it then so that you could have made that change. You read it. You signed off for it. It's your fault, essentially because it wasn't hidden. Your players union agreed to this, so Don't be upset about it now. It's it's your fault. You should have fought when you had that chance, when they were doing the last CBA. You had a chance to make a change. You had a chance push back. You ain't push back and this is what you got.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I agree the first off. What the rule is is that if you're on the pier in at least 65 games and on the court for at least 20 minutes in those games to be eligible for MVP defensive player of the year, most improve all NBA and all defense. It don't apply to Ricky of the year, six man of the year or all Ricky teams and there's some protections against season into injuries and near miss. If there's in Minutes and say you blowing the team out and you didn't play that many minutes Based on like scores and stuff like that, they got a couple exempts and exemptions in there for that bad face circumstances and things of that nature. But it says basically, if a player miss 18 games they won't be eligible for into the season awards. So with that, before we go further into this, I'm gonna tell y'all who's at risk right now.

Speaker 2:

Some of just notable players who's already missed 10 or more games as of February 1st marketing from the jazz Bama bio from the heat here miss 10 games. Joe B I miss 12 games. How about in a miss 13 games. Jimmy Butler to miss 13 games. Jamal Murray to miss 14 games. Porzingis a miss 14 games. Kyrie to miss 20. Evan Mobley, kyrie Irvin a miss 20.

Speaker 5:

No, I said who? Oh yeah, I'm like you said who?

Speaker 2:

I'm like. Kyrie Evan Mobley he done miss 22. The mellow ball and miss 24. Darius Garland a miss 24. Zach LaVine a miss 24. Bradley Bielder miss 24. Mitchell Robinson a miss 27. And Marcus smart and miss 27. So those are just notable players. Who, who possibly could be in the running for some of these awards at the end of the year, who who's now already missed more than allowed 18 games. But, david, what do you think, man?

Speaker 4:

I Mean, I like the rule get, like Isaac said. I mean, you know, this is something that the players already knew about and I think that it's. It's good. First of all, these players need to be on the court, man. I mean, you know, you know how, like when a one sports talk about it, when you manage, it's all about the fans, all about the fans, and that's what it's about. It's about the fans and you know, I Think the game I was talking to, jerry Texan jared, how that you know, down B was hurt.

Speaker 1:

But I, we didn't know at that time.

Speaker 4:

But the Denver game, denver didn't. It's six was gay. You know I'm, we expect this man to play I'm, but you know I think that, yeah, you have to, you have there, has to be. You have to draw a line of how many games you can miss to be eligible for and then, like I said, if you get hurt, that's just part of, that's part of the game.

Speaker 4:

And you know me, you know when a clinic, when you know I, sometimes I think that we forget what the most important word and MVP valuable. You know, you know you look at valuable up in the dictionary and you know valuable, you got, it is. You got to be reliable. You, you know, dependable, and it's unfortunate, the drooling beat is definitely having. It was having a great season, still is.

Speaker 4:

I think the most important thing is that championship for him getting healthy and you know to, to get past that hump. You see, we've been having the same discussion about Yolkich. You know, hey, can he get this team to the playoffs? Can he get him, you know, in the Western Conference finals? He's not, he's not a great center until you know he gets over the hump and gets his team to win a championship, and Joelle B's in that same same category. So if I were him, you know getting healthy and you know get, you know to try to win a championship, but you have to have this rule. I think it's a great rule. And then, like I said, if you get injured, it is what it is, man.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's a part of. It's a part of the game. Interest is a part of every game and how you take care of yourself, you know. You know owning off the court, how you play, you know I mean could be a product of you. Like you said, missing these awards, of being a part of the team and, like you said, valuable MVP, valuable, most valuable, to be a all-pro, like you showed up for your team. It was consistent through the season. You know deep in the middle of the year, like that.

Speaker 4:

All that stuff is, I think, is based on your availability, so right and then one last point is you know, for you know Yolkich, I don't, I don't think he's probably missed what five games.

Speaker 2:

Maybe you know he's very do he very do like you, just hardly ever, I mean yeah, I mean at the end of the day it.

Speaker 4:

You know that's what I'm saying. Valuable, yeah, you know it. So I mean you know every time you turn the nuggets on, you know Yolkich is playing.

Speaker 2:

You know so you might not get Murray, but you're gonna get Yolkich.

Speaker 4:

You don't get him, you gonna play, so that that that to me, you know, is a piece of what MVP you know. You know, of course, your numbers and All right, Jerry.

Speaker 2:

What do you think? Man, you don't want to propose the question in a group, so I Want to let you have the floor last on this.

Speaker 5:

All right. So I I actually started by liking the rule, but now I don't like the rule. I'm gonna tell y'all why. Um, as y'all know, I'm big on numbers and stats and achievements and all that. I feel like If I even if I play half the games and if I'm the best center in the game, I'm the best center in the game. If I'm the second best center in the game, I should be able to get that honor.

Speaker 5:

I think what the media in the fans have a problem with is like what I like to call us phantom injuries. All right, you turn on the game, you heard nothing about Jason Tatum doing anything to his ankle, but then you go to the game, you turn on the game, he's out with ankle injury. I feel like that's what the NBA was trying to get at, but it's actually kind of backfired. And now we're gonna be. You know, we get to the end of the season, we're gonna be given third team, all NBA awards to TJ McConnell because nobody else qualifies, which is gonna mess up the money, which is gonna mess up your accolades. And then later on down the road, when we're talking about you know who's better? We're trying to compare people. You gonna have guys that's missed out on first, second and third team all NBA is because they was hurt and they killed the time that they was in. So, like I started off by saying, oh yeah, this is good, but when I get to thinking about it is trash, because it's gonna skew so much for the NBA like, and I feel like With the injuries, if you get legitimately hurt and you're out for portion of time, it shouldn't count against your mandatory games.

Speaker 5:

The. The issue that I have problems with is, like I said, guys, not if you didn't get, if I, if you didn't, if you didn't one get hurt in the game before the last game, or I didn't get a breaking news saying you either, you know, tripped over your cat at the crib and fell down three flight steps, or you stepped on somebody's ankle in practice, there is no reason why you shouldn't be playing, and so I think that's what the NBA was trying to get at. But it's kind of backfiring. They're gonna end up giving away awards to guys who ain't worthy of these awards because there's certain guys that don't qualify For.

Speaker 5:

The fact that Kyrie's not gonna be able to get at least third team all in the A it's crazy and let's go mess with his money too. See, people don't even think about that. These guys are losing money by not giving these these, these, these NBA awards that they qualify for in theory, because we all know that they're like that, but they're not. They don't play enough games, so I actually don't like it anymore. I think it's just gonna mess up history. I think people are gonna have asterisks next to certain achievements and we're just gonna see from there with the you know what the downfall is or how it spirals out.

Speaker 2:

I Actually agree, my bad I be hitting mute because my son be beating on the door Actually agree on both sides, to the good and the bad too, and, like you said, I think what you're saying is right, but also with that too. Then now are you gonna have organizations lying on injury reports to Protect a?

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

That's what I'm saying. Like you know, they're gonna be lying on injury reports saying like, okay, well, we give an example. Let's say it's a five to ten game exempt, like injury exemption. On this to say, hey look, we're.