E.P.I.C. Podcast "Every Play Is Crucial"

S2: Episode 40: The Sports Roundup: NBA Tournaments, NFL Rankings and College Football Controversies

Vernon Eskridge, Isaac Ivery, Justin Fox Season 2 Episode 40

Get ready for a slam dunk of sports talk as we step into the arena with another energizing episode of our sports podcast. How about betting on our favorite sports weekend? And did you know that the NBA has an in-season tournament? Well, we didn't just know about it, we've dissected it right from its format to the ways it could be more engaging for you sports enthusiasts.

We're just warming up here! We're also going to be exploring the new courts and jerseys that the NBA in-season tournament brings to the league. As we sit courtside, we'll be discussing the prize money, the trophy, and how this novelty could impact the rest of the season. Need some controversy to spice things up? We've got it covered as we take a closer look at the Draymond Green chokehold incident and debate on Klay Thompson's contract worthiness. 

But wait, there's more! We're not just hooping around. We're discussing the power plays in college football, the Big Ten suspensions, and the potential playoff scenarios. We're also breaking down our NFL team ranking, exploring everything from Jacksonville and Cleveland's schedules to the potential of the Dallas team. Stay tuned as we wrap up the episode with a round-up of predictions for the upcoming games. With our lively debates and in-depth analysis, we're bringing the stadium to your living rooms! Step into the huddle and let's talk sports!

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Speaker 1:

Slow, ain't gonna grow, grow,

Speaker 2:

grow, grow, Add tell them they saw me. Everything is on me. Gonna back it up. I don't know what? Told you I'm gonna do me. What you hate in on me. It's not adding up. I do go like magic.

Speaker 1:

Shut up. Should I take a drink? Welcome to another episode of Epic Podcast. This is episode forty for us.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

Yeah, man. Forty episodes. We are here. Took a hiatus. I was on vacation last week, so We didn't do forty last week, but we're back this week, man. Ike, Jared in a house, of course, still had Justin. No. We have Justin, but we don't have Justin. He got some work responsibilities he got to take care of that don't allow him to be here right now, but we're gonna keep wrapping. He'll be in the comments. He's still in the group chat. So if you part of the Facebook group, jump in there. He's he's still in there. Super active. But nonetheless, how was y'all sports to how was y'all sports weekend? This this weekend, we we we gonna jump ahead this weekend. Anybody?

Speaker 3:

Yeah. Shail was cool. I mean, from those demos somewhere? I see. I have

Speaker 4:

a little That one, three bets.

Speaker 1:

I'm about to say, yeah, you want some money. Yeah.

Speaker 4:

I've I've, like, bro, I I look, I had a really good weekend. Why? What? Thursday, Sunday, and Monday. I want Advanced Street.

Speaker 1:

So, yeah, a clean clean sweep on.

Speaker 4:

Look, man. NFL's been good to me. Okay. So what's the app that I use?

Speaker 1:

I'm about to say, I need to get on the app. You've been talking about it. And I ain't I ain't doing nothing. I need to get on that.

Speaker 3:

And I cannot get into the I cannot I'll

Speaker 1:

be sure. Unless you haven't been in the And I was winning last year, so, like, Siobhan was like, like, every time I was like, like, get excited about a game or a player somewhere, I'm talking about a game or whatever, she'd be like, Did you bet on me? I waited nine. I bet this year, like Yeah. Money on it now. I didn't bet this year.

Speaker 3:

But you

Speaker 1:

guys are going to NBA tonight?

Speaker 4:

I didn't get it. I got a couple of guy I got a bit going in tonight, actually. So I I will be

Speaker 1:

Thank you. Can I send a little bit?

Speaker 4:

Yeah, man. I can pull it up for you real quick. I know one of them is over under on Luca. Who was kinda one, like, a fire sale. Yeah. It was, like, twenty five and a half. Let me get those. Let's see. Mhmm.

Speaker 1:

That's that's

Speaker 4:

just That's just the one. Right? They they'll throw off some that they'll give you, like, a they'll percentage off on it to kinda make it easier. Really, it's just an enticed people like me to do. So since yeah. This is out. I I get Dave going over twenty eight and a half.

Speaker 1:

Smart I

Speaker 4:

don't know. Say his last name, but Balau has been playing fairly well. And his over under was eight and a half points. He's been averaging, like, ten the last couple of games. I think last five games is averaged ten. So it's a doable on him. And then there's another dude in Washington Danny, and I don't know what I say his last name either. Who's been trying to ball overlap? Over under on him, four turnovers. It's one and a half. He's been getting, like, three turnovers a game. So it it's it's fair as Will. And then like I said, I got Luca, over twenty five and a half.

Speaker 1:

Okay. Sounds solid. Sounds solid.

Speaker 3:

These are all for tonight? Yeah. Oh, okay.

Speaker 1:

Cool. Cool. Cool. Well, let's let's not keep the people waiting. Let's let's get into it real quick. Just real, real, real quick. Alright, man. Speaking of MB, let's let's start an MB, man.

Speaker 4:

It does say it'd be April.

Speaker 1:

It do say it'd be April. In season tournament, man, I've been hearing a lot. Like, people don't even know what's really going on. They just know what's the tournament. They don't know the ins and outs of it and how it works. So the format or anything, they're just watching. Because I think it's a tournament and when people hear a tournament they like, it must be important. I think that was the NBA's idea behind it. What do y'all think about the in season tournament first off before we talk about what it is.

Speaker 3:

Man, I think it's cool. I don't I don't hate it. I kinda wish it was, like, longer. I mean, the pool play games only four games that count towards, you know, who's gonna make it to the, like, the playoff of the in season tournament. I wish it was a little bit more, like, six or eight maybe. But I mean, it's cool. Like, the courts look nice. Some of them, I mean, they're different. I won't say it look nice, but they're different. Yeah. So, yeah, I met it.

Speaker 4:

It it just part of me for some of these, like, I feel like I'm watching, like, people play basketball and boys and States feel like it just is this way too much blue in some of these? This is

Speaker 1:

a lot of blue.

Speaker 4:

I I I don't like all of last night.

Speaker 1:

Have to pay something, like, black and, like, kinda keep it dark.

Speaker 4:

If it gets people engaged, I mean, get people watching. I I get why they're doing it. That's still don't particularly see the point behind it. If I'm being honest about it, other than you want more viewers, and this is the way to get the viewership up. I I I don't think, honestly, for the majority of people who plan to to have a mill moves players often, I mean, except for the guys who probably ain't getting a lot of burn anyway. But, you know, it's it's something in some early in the season to to kinda get people to watch it. I don't know how much is gonna affect the rest of the season at all. To me, it just seems like it's some for viewership, but it seems like it's been working. I mean, I I know a lot of people who've watched it. And if I mean, Vernon, when when when we talk about it, child, and my boy j r yesterday. And, I mean, he he thoroughly enjoyed it. So it seems to be worth it if it would be wonderful.

Speaker 1:

And I get my pen on it. I like it. For one, it's just something different. And usually when you start something different, it usually grabs people to teach it. Oh. The like you said, the courts, like you said, some of them are cool, some of them are too much, but I think you bring new courts, you bring new jerseys, you bring a new, like, feel to the game and a slight competitiveness early on in the season where it's usually isn't. You know what I mean? People trying to figure these out. You got microtrades going on and microsignings and stuff and people chill trying to kinda glue the team together. Some of them So to have something to out the gate people are going for or teams have to go for. Think it kinda builds commodity and that that chemistry together with teams also to make them, like, okay. Cool. Like, this is kind of a playoff atmosphere, lists, Let's see if we can kinda turn it on early and kinda see where you fare at too against these other teams early on in the season. Kinda let you know what you need to work on too. You do get a trophy. I mean, I'm sure, you know, everybody wants a trophy. And I think kinda like what JR was saying, last night about, you know, to be saying that you're, you know, you're in season tournament champion or, you know, I don't know how much weight down a hole compared to other calculates, but they have a champion. I don't know if they're doing rings. I just know that you get a championship and you get some money. But even a half a mil, like you said, a lot of players make a lot more of that money, but, I mean, on the basketball court, Nick was on my hard for five dollars, ten dollars, twenty dollars. You know what I mean? Yeah. Pick n Pay fifty dollar mad in games. You know what I mean? So, like, they gamble all the time. So, like, if you look at it kinda like a gamble you know what I mean? You you

Speaker 4:

try to tease me. You don't go try to play it to my life.

Speaker 1:

What you mean? No. I'm not talking about you. I'm just saying, like, damn. Like, the player must get it kinda, like, a gamble. You know what I mean? Like, alright. Cool. We're gonna go here and hope that we win. You know, we the whole team gets a half a meal, like, individually. So I think that's kinda dope that the NBA has given something back to the players trying to, anyway. And every other sport does it. Most sports soccer. I know they got anesthesia in tournament. Outside of private baseball, but then their all star game dictates who gets home field advantage in the world world series. So, like, everybody has something that does something that impacts the game at some point. Except for the NBA just didn't. And, of course, in NFL, every game counts, you know. So I like it. It's definitely drama wise to the to the league early because right now you it is dominated by football and, like, It's just gonna be until Christmas, you know. So it do make you wanna watch.

Speaker 4:

A little bit. The drink mind gonna be choke people now.

Speaker 1:

Hey, I'm on the way. Wait. Don't worry. We're gonna talk about that next.

Speaker 4:

It actually go ahead. UFC in the middle of the game. Oh, boy.

Speaker 1:

So, yeah, that's that's kinda how I go. They got man, there's so much group play and I'm not going through I'm not going through all that. But ultimately, that's how it works. They just group the different teams together. They play out then it turns into, like, a wild card thing to, like, it goes four four versus of not four versus four, but fourteen three side, and then they worked their way to the championship. Oh, okay. So it's kinda like a football format without a buy. But yeah. It's it's I'm eager to see how it does. And if they bring it well, of course, they have to bring it back now because you just have one championship. Like, that'd be weird. So I think it's gonna be a permanent thing. Mhmm. Mhmm. If it's something y'all think I mean, right now, if y'all could change, would it would it what would y'all see that y'all would change if if anything?

Speaker 3:

Well, I like I said earlier, I would just make it more games. I would make the pool a little larger six to eight games for me. But other than that, I mean, Yes. I'm fine with it.

Speaker 1:

But I think they try to fit I think the reason for that is because you have to fit it within the normal amount of games would have been in that time frame in the season anyway.

Speaker 3:

I mean, but true, but the the four games is just built into

Speaker 1:

the schedule too. Like, it is just built. Or or give them a couple weeks off. Like, if you do it into, like, you know, I mean, a couple weeks before the All Star game, kinda, like, last week, you say, yeah, just give put more games in there and games.

Speaker 3:

You make more of the games count like toys.

Speaker 1:

Okay. That makes sense.

Speaker 3:

Yeah. Not not x not extra games.

Speaker 1:

Oh, okay. Okay. I just realized what you were saying. Yeah. I got it. Yeah. What about you, Wade? What'd you think?

Speaker 4:

I mean, I'm not mad at what Jared just said as far as I mean, because we're gonna argue with what more meaningful games. Right? Right.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 4:

Not just more games, but more meaningful games. They actually, you know, matter towards some because in the in an eighty two game season,

Speaker 1:


Speaker 4:

is the house. And that's why there was so much lower management. It's just there were so many gains that really didn't matter, especially when you get to a certain point, and when you know that you're not gonna drop to a certain seed. So if there's something else that can to make players care and and play a little bit more, do a little bit less sitting out. I mean, I'm off for it. I I would say, again, because I don't think the five hundred is much of a much for a lot of players in the league. Like, I mean, obviously, there's probably pocket chains in in comparison to Right. Good amount of who by again or playing, you know, significant minutes in these games. So maybe a bank could be increased. But I don't I don't know what that number

Speaker 1:

would be. No. No. You know what? Now that you say that, I will probably just take a average of everybody who's not a Supramax. You know what I'm saying? Because, I mean, there's a handful I mean, Supramax, if you add those in the number is gonna be astronomical. But if you take the average of the contracts, non Supramax contracts, take the average of them and say, alright. Well, the average you know, non superstar NBA, you know, all NBA, all star whatever is making this. This is what it'll be. We'll we'll give that to every player. You know what I mean? And it'll keep it, like, a extra paycheck or so. You know what I mean? Year salary, an extra year of salary, which I think that, like you said, will turn it up some more too. That's what I want. That I just thought it. I'm like that.

Speaker 4:

I ain't a minute there.

Speaker 1:

Mm-mm. Yeah. No. I mean, I mean, I agree both of y'all and y'all points. I probably would do the same thing. More money. Because people gonna play harder. And like they said, now you're not eligible for awards unless you play sixty five games. I guess who hasn't missed any games? Kawhi Leonard.

Speaker 4:

You're bullet Kawhi.

Speaker 1:

Mhmm. In Missouri,

Speaker 3:

I'm seeing more random games being missed though. Like, for instance, Kyrie's out tonight I think you said I did Johannes is out. Like, the Johannes is out. Even get hurt. They're just I guess since the the the mandate, only says that nationally televised games, so guys can't sit out. So I guess, got I mean, got every team, every game of every night, somebody is missing. And it's just like, man, I was watching the hornets on a random Monday or Tuesday, Brandy Miller second overall pick out. Guys is just missing games like crazy now. I'm missing more so now than it was before.

Speaker 1:

Well, see, you know what they're probably doing? They probably got them like, okay. What how many games can I miss per month in order to hit my sixty five?

Speaker 3:

That's crazy. And they they got the

Speaker 1:

They probably got it mapped out and scaled up, like, alright. You know, every two weeks you get one game out. You know what I mean? Or every three weeks or whatever, however, you know, it pan out. And then you got price certain games circle, you know, But,

Speaker 4:

you know, in game, PCL was crazy.

Speaker 1:

Man. Crazy. Alright. So moving on to the NC's internment and more about it, man. So we already got drama. I think we're like three games in. And most most of the brackets and, yeah, two minute less than two minutes into the game against the rules and go to the state. First, Clay Thompson grabs Daniels.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

McDaniel. I don't know why I got a j on there. McDaniel's. And I didn't put McDaniel's on there. But grabs his Jersey kinda like, I don't know. He grabbed it first I watched the video initially, I'm like, alright. He grabbed it. I'm like, is he gonna let it go? Like, why don't he lift this man in Jersey go? Like, you're on offense man. Like, you're not playing defense man or letting go? So I see why Daniel reacted the way he did. But it was like it's like DreamLoung was waiting for something. And, like, Clay gave him a reason.

Speaker 3:

For sure.

Speaker 1:

Like because doctor, you know, it went from them to. Kinda pushing the shove and the camera just pans like, and dray mine is, like, full throttle. So, like,

Speaker 3:

it was pretty usual, though. I mean, I don't think it's it's surprising anybody at this point. He's always gonna do the extra. He's always gonna do the most. That's just who he is. So, I mean, but I think it was it was ridiculous. It was extra. You could have definitely just pulled him away, grabbed him up, you know, pushed in anything. You didn't have to choke him. Like like, that was ridiculous. But Draymond is probably the most ridiculous athlete I've ever seen, so it doesn't surprise me at all.

Speaker 4:

I didn't see Gabriel do anything.

Speaker 1:

Like, nothing but You didn't see what you were saying.

Speaker 3:

Of course, he tried to get in the middle.

Speaker 1:

You know how to Please shut it. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. All the players is not of not in it. There's no

Speaker 3:

Why are you choking this man? Right. And it didn't even look it was in a tight choke because, you know, Gobert wasn't flailing or anything. He was almost like he was shocked. Like, why is his dude got why is he on me like this?

Speaker 1:

Like, I'm trying to like, I I watched it, like, three or four times. No lie. And I was literally trying to find, like, like, the Rudy goes do something? Did he look at him wrong? Did he point out, I'm, like, trying to find something, bro. He nothing. Like like you say, he just walked into the crowd and was kinda, like, and he didn't even grab, like, a go to state player. Like, he just kinda just put his arms out. And I'm like, this thing you know. He was on his ass.

Speaker 3:

He already had a fucking hundred email.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. But I already have a word

Speaker 4:

It it will be more intentional, bro.

Speaker 1:

Yes. There was. It

Speaker 4:

was very intentional.

Speaker 1:

I think they had words back in, like I think it was, like, twenty twenty two. So On Twitter, Like, Rudy Go I I think Treymont had did something, and Rudy Go Bear said, insecurities are always loud. And I think Tremont was just holding this at his back pocket because after the situation, the day, like, the that that night or, like, earlier the next day or today, I should say, like, he put a post he put a tweet out the same as that tweet. Insecurities are loud. Like, I'm like, did you help this all? Yeah. No. They did this for a year, two years. I'm almost like, what do we do it? So

Speaker 4:

And for what? Like, no. It it had no impact on the game. Way too early on the game.

Speaker 1:

Nothing. No.

Speaker 4:

It didn't get you. Kicked out the game. I don't know. Like, it it's everything about it seemed pointless and ridiculous.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. Yeah. And you get and you get not only you get ejected, but Clay get ejected. Daniels get ejected. And then y'all lose. Like, there's no steps. Staff didn't play. Like, you just really took any chance of your team winning out of it because they probably wouldn't even got to they probably wouldn't have got suspended. If you wouldn't deal with you did. Don't worry, Jake.

Speaker 3:

What's actually crazy is that they actually was leading a lot of that game. Because I I ended up watching in that game. And it's crazy. I turned it on. It was probably, like, halfway through the third quarter, and I'm just, like, man, it's interesting. Nobody's playing. I already knew stuff wasn't there.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

So I was like, man, here's no draymond. I didn't see him on the bench. I'm like, man, here's no play. Didn't see him on the bench. I'm like, And then before another phone start blowing up and people start talking about us, I'm like, oh, that's why it wasn't playing. So I didn't know why finishing the game. The Warriors was actually leading a lot of the game. Minnesota took over at the end and and and finish it off, but Yes. It is. Yeah. I don't know. I don't know. And then we're gonna go there and say it seems like every time step now plane.

Speaker 1:

He he jumped in.

Speaker 3:

Impossible to get you jacked in. That that sounds like what we've had.

Speaker 1:

It could be true.

Speaker 3:

That looks exactly what

Speaker 1:

I mean. I have to look into

Speaker 3:

that email. Literally, he wasn't he kept playing peacemaker. He wasn't playing protector. He was playing in Dredmont.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. He was like, hey, look. Absolutely. I got my just because of my chance to get my hands on him.

Speaker 3:

I'm gonna go crazy. Like and that's that's what happened.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. That's wild.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

okay, man. I guess I wanted a little bit more positive news, man. I know me, you talked about Halliburton, like, Wizzie Worth the contract. What do you think now?

Speaker 3:

Please hold him, but no.

Speaker 1:

No. Still not.

Speaker 3:

I'm not paying him too sick. I'm not paying a lot of people too.

Speaker 1:

I know. I'm just saying I mean I don't wanna say worth the contract. To you because, I mean, I just noticed Yeah. How you shout. Not personally, but shopping when we talking to sports. Yeah. But, like Well,

Speaker 3:

I'm I'm not even I'm I'm not even paying Anthony Edwards two sixty. I'm Yes, sir. You could take about four years, forty million a season. That's more than enough for both of those players. Very generous contracts for both of those individuals too.

Speaker 1:

I'm just I just see, like like like now, he's steadily improving. Like and I'm just like, man. Like, I think he just on his way to beat a young and playing the way he playing. Like, I think I mean, he could show that he may, I don't know, worth it because when you say worth it.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

That's perception. Right. And it's subjected to, you know, whatever people paying enough money is. But Right.

Speaker 3:

And then you look at the metal ball trade, like I mean, not to Melobald trade with theMelobald contract.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

He got that same two sixty and it's like for what? And then using, you know, your your theory of what we were speaking on that day is Mhmm.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

if you don't pay them, you're gonna lose them. Yeah. But do do with with what Melo Ball is doing right now. Does that would you rather just not have him and have two hundred and sixty million in your pocket to face money else?

Speaker 1:

Well, I think I think in a in a Charlotte situation, when you ain't never had nobody, you gotta kinda

Speaker 3:

That's crazy.

Speaker 1:

Trying to hold on. But and that's what I say in these small markets and these things that ain't never, like, really been in championship position. Like, you're gonna see them do that to try to first off, because if you can't win, you gotta at least try to fill seats and have somebody for people to come and root for.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 1:

And in these smaller markets and these markets that ain't really one, like, when you do get somebody, that's all I was saying. When you get somebody, you gotta hold on to them. And hope the potential pan out. And I think LaMelo Ball kinda showed that, like, when he's healthy and he is on the court, he's an impact.

Speaker 3:

Yeah. I mean, it's and first of all, shout out to Halliburton. I do wanna make that clear. The play is balling.

Speaker 1:

Like, like, I'm going to hear that.

Speaker 3:

And thirty something assists over two games, but the biggest part of that was zero

Speaker 1:

That's what I put on here. That's that's that's part of the the second part.

Speaker 3:

That's crazy. So I definitely wanna

Speaker 1:

The first player ever in NBA history, you have thirty two assists over two games. There was zero turnovers.

Speaker 3:

That's that's That's that's one of the most craziest NBA stats I've ever seen.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

So let's try out to him for that. But it's just the way I look at things, like, No. But I mean, they gave me my money. I'm putting me so

Speaker 1:

Yeah. No.

Speaker 4:

I got two things. In the spirit of betting, I actually took the under oh, on Halliburton last game, which was, like, one. It still took me under because I'm, like, he can go get

Speaker 3:

us All turnovers.

Speaker 4:

I mean, I'll turn yeah. I I just I just knew he would handle turnover. But so you have a go back this year. You said, well, four years for, like, forty million a year? So one sixty million how much better are Halliburton and since you threw Anne in there than Jeremy Gray.

Speaker 3:

Then if

Speaker 4:

you threw a value on it, That's what dollar value are.

Speaker 3:

That Johnny Grant contract is crazy too.

Speaker 1:

But I Yeah.

Speaker 4:

That's why I'm asking that.

Speaker 3:

I'd rather have both of them over him. Yeah.

Speaker 4:

But if you do it, just give me a dollar value of how much better you would think that that would be I just wanna see if it if it aligns.

Speaker 3:

You So a dollar amount how much better Halliburton and or over, Jeremy McInley?

Speaker 1:

Yeah. If you had to put a dollar amount you know what I mean? Like, outside of Panama, they're all the same. How much more saying it though? Like, I

Speaker 4:

mean, I guess I'm a candidate. You gave it to me, like,

Speaker 3:

when When? In the season?

Speaker 1:

And so he

Speaker 4:

so so he's getting he's getting thirty two a year. So I mean, you're you're close to the samples. Yeah.

Speaker 3:

That's probably right. I don't know.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. Yeah. Because yeah. No. I agree with that Jeremy Grant. That that thing goes crazy too. I was

Speaker 3:

He's he's good at what he does. Yeah. I mean, he's low key. Keep my phone, hey, he's playing well.

Speaker 1:

But he he he still doesn't understand.

Speaker 3:

But yeah. Like yeah.

Speaker 1:

I don't know. That makes sense? So yeah, man. I just moved on, man. I got a basketball, man. It was a lot. They're gonna drain my ass a lot. Let's get it let's let's get the

Speaker 4:

That's probably all for your mama.

Speaker 1:

Call for you. I was waiting for you to do that. Let's recap week eleven, man. We kinda skipped a week ten, like, we went here, but let's just talk about week eleven, man. Georgia just kills o, miss. Fifty two to seventeen. I had to throw that in there just because it was such a wide margin of a win. But then Utah loses to Washington. I only live by a touchdown. So I got a question about Washington. I know I this is not for you. This is for Jared. What do you think Washington is?

Speaker 3:

And they're playing really well. A good quarterback play, good wide receiver play. I mean, and he's quiet quietly is kept. Pack twelve is actually the toughest conference. I mean, if you look top to bottom, there ain't too many slouches in the Pack twelve. So I mean, it to come up to be undefeated at this point, and that conference is saying a lot. Michael Phillips junior, it's killing it. Like, nothing bad to say about homie. I mean, it'll be interesting to see them play other teams outside of the pack twelve, but the packs always been tough and be be, you know, undefeated at this point in the season. And that conference, particularly this year is is impressive. So I'm interested to see what, you know, what happens going forward. Maybe they can make it to the playoffs. I feel like if they go on and feed it, I mean, they beat I think they'd be or they'd have to beat Oregon again. You gotta put them in you gotta put them in a playoff. You have to

Speaker 1:

Okay. Okay. I agree. I just feel like like maybe in the beginning of season like they were like, the the margin of wins are bigger. But now like you said, now they're playing a lot of the pack the the the bulk of the pack twelve. Yeah. And you can see how tough it is in that conference with Utah and all of them. We're getting

Speaker 3:

Yeah. He has some lowly games.

Speaker 1:

I know that you you as a you

Speaker 3:

as a is a is a very well coached team.

Speaker 1:

Yes. And they do and they play everybody tough. Like, Utah has always has been a big victory for the past five years. They've been I'm

Speaker 3:

never gonna slide a win over Utah no

Speaker 1:

matter what.

Speaker 3:

Has That's that's always solid. That's been a solid win for the past three to five years. Then if you jump over like a little down gap, you know, they were they were tough even, you know, a few years back. So Yeah. That's that's a solid win.

Speaker 1:

Okay. Okay. And then Tennessee gets blown out by Missouri. So

Speaker 3:

That's crazy.

Speaker 1:

That that was thirty six to seven? Yes.

Speaker 3:

I missed that. Wow. Yes. I totally missed that score. Mhmm. That's nuts.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. And and and that this was, like, Tennessee was supposed to I don't say supposed to. But, like, after last year, they kinda was that that tough SEC win or you know, that tough SEC. Did you thought there was gonna be? And then it's like this year, they just been like a kind of a roller coaster or even a shell that themselves if you really wanna look at it of last year. And it's like, yeah. For Missouri to come in and and do that to them, which now which most of them pushing Missouri into the top ten really.

Speaker 3:

Yeah. And I think that's what pushed Georgia overall.

Speaker 1:

Oh, my state is because, obviously,

Speaker 3:

makes that win look even better. So I'm not bad at it. I've I've told y'all since the the very first rankings came out that, you know, it don't really matter. Everybody still got it got work to do.

Speaker 1:

So Yes. Absolutely. And like we were saying, it's starting to shake out. It's really starting to he's starting to kinda see see it shake out a little bit. Yep. But last but not leave Michigan Beach Penn State. Only twenty four to fifteen. Again, Penn State is tough. They play each other every year. So you're kinda used to each other. You don't expect the super wide margin on that. Right. But, again, with, like, Penn State, like I guess they just kinda the big ten kinda exposed them again. If you wanna say it like that, like, they just can't get over the hump against the top big ten teams. Like, It seemed like when they play out of conference, ranked teams, they're good. And when it comes to the the the top, you know, big ten teams, was that one of them?

Speaker 3:

Or a top ten period. I think they're

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

One in I think Franklin is one in twelve again.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

Top ten teams? Yes. Yeah. That's that's not gonna cut it. But it is crazy because they have they they play a really good defense. The quarterback they have is he's terrible. Like and I mean that in the most respectful way ever. He's just not good. And I think he's a freshman. I'm not sure where he came from or Mhmm. What other options they had, but even against and I'm not even saying that because they love them. Even against us.

Speaker 1:

Good job.

Speaker 3:

I'm looking like I'm like, man, this guy is just really not good.

Speaker 1:

A better a better QB could have won that game.

Speaker 3:

Yeah. So I'm that's that's what I'm thinking. I'm just like, that game, I'm I'm not impressed by our defense. I'm bewildered by his the quarterback play.

Speaker 1:

Their inability. And their their offense if it was up to me, I I will begin the new quarterback and the new offense coordinator.

Speaker 3:

Because when

Speaker 1:

I say the talent is too good, we are not to be more creative.

Speaker 3:

You get probably the top talent in the in the north region part of the because I mean, who else is up there? You know? So pretty much anybody in Pennsylvania, you you could

Speaker 1:

Outside of going to I mean, of course, you're going to you know, you're battling with the pits and the West Virginia.

Speaker 4:

Oh, yeah.

Speaker 3:

But out of

Speaker 1:

the Rutgers and I'm just saying, like, those are the other ones, in that mix, but that's

Speaker 3:

the top You're

Speaker 1:

still better you're still better than all of them when they come to football. I believe.

Speaker 3:

I feel like if you've offered all those guys contract I mean, not contracts. But if you offered all those guys scholarships, I feel like ninety percent of those guys are gonna probably take ten state. So I mean, you pretty much have your picking of that area, but yeah. I I mean, I don't really even see any glaring holes wrong with his state? What the quarterback? I I'm just I can't I'm just watching a Michigan game. I'm like, man, this kid really is not good. Like, and you can tell when when it starts affecting the playcalls. Yeah. So they get running the ball on thirty nine, down six, you know, in her own territory, like, that just shows that you you know that this kid is not gonna be able to get it done. You're not even trying to go down feel. You're not trying to do anything. Because I looked at a lot of the throws. I mean, a lot of throws are off the mark. High, in front, behind. He's he's just not very skilled, and I think that's what's holding back.

Speaker 1:

Interesting. Interesting. Yeah. I agree with that too. But that being said, let's jump into the conversation.

Speaker 4:

I go. A good question here. Since we are since we are on this

Speaker 1:

Oh, yeah. No. No. No. Yeah. Yes. Go ahead. Go ahead. Go ahead. Go ahead.

Speaker 4:

Yeah. I mean, what what everything is going on? And I guess I I will I missed a huge the the situation with the cheating or counting hammer. You wanna say it How do you feel like it's being handled? Like, a degree, disagree from n c double a and Big Ten perspective? And then as far as Michigan's response?

Speaker 3:

I think it's being handled weirdly if I could just have to put one word on it. I mean, I know it's odd to to for things like this to come out in the middle of the season. So it's kinda hard to just say, hey, shut your whole program down. What with some of the evidence that's been released, I feel like maybe a more either we're gonna let this go completely or y'all gotta come because I mean, even if they made them vacate the wins from last season in order season before last, like, that's cool. That doesn't have an effect on this season. It's like, I feel like something, it either needs to be wiped away. Or something needs to be done. But it's kinda, like,

Speaker 1:

this is real time for me.

Speaker 3:

I feel like I think the big ten is the one who issued the this

Speaker 4:

suspension suspension.

Speaker 3:

And the s k a has yet to rule. So it's just it's kinda it's being handled weirdly if I could just put a word to I'm not I'm not sure what's gonna happen. I'm not even sure what needs to happen. But I know my favorite team lost the whole undefeated season for getting tattoos. I feel like if there is documentation and clear proof which there is of you doing something unethical and giving your team a competitive advantage, then you know, there needs to be some consequence to suffer for that. So I'm just trying to see what the end goal is gonna be. So what the NCAA decides and how this is gonna wrap up, but I know a lot of teams and a lot of coaches have been penalized way worse for way less. So I'm just interested in seeing, you know, what happens and and and, you know, not sweeping it on the rub, but moving past it. You know, we see what we saw. What are we gonna do about it? And let's move forward.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. I I agree with that too. But to be completely and utterly honest, like, they haven't won nothing. They've had decent regular seasons. I mean, what do you take away?

Speaker 3:

Like, that's

Speaker 1:

maybe it's not too big ships. Yeah. I mean, but, I mean, you take them away. It's not like they're gonna give them to the runner-up. Like Yeah. You're right. You're just straight up. I'm not saying that. I mean, it's not because I know. I'm just yeah. Right. I'm just saying, like, so it's like, yeah. You take them away. No.

Speaker 3:

We weren't the runner ups anyway, so that's not even marketing. Right.

Speaker 1:

You know what I mean? You get Iowa. You know what I mean? What are we doing?

Speaker 3:

I think Purdue

Speaker 1:

and Iowa. What would be Purdue and Iowa. Right. So yeah. I don't I don't think it's really much to take And then with that, big ten if a big ten go too hard on them, they have a chance to leave. So did you now did you lose one of your top programs because of this. Like,

Speaker 3:

bye. I mean, if you I know. I don't know. Because you wanna leave me a reprimanded for cheating.

Speaker 1:

I don't I don't know. I'm just saying, like, you know how petty bro, look how petty he's been. Look how petty college is not one of them too.

Speaker 3:

Been at And the difference is, I was talking to somebody. I was talking to a guy in the in the mall the other day, and he was a holiday fan. He was asking what I thought about it. And, you know, I I was just, like, the difference between our situation in there is is Michigan is backing carball. Like, they they wanna keep them when our situation happened with Trussell, I kinda think that they were looking for a change anyway. So we didn't have that he didn't have that backing from the university Ohio State was kinda like, hey. This is what you did. You lied about this. X y z. Here you go. Tops come deal with them. You know what I'm saying? Whereas, with Harbaugh Michigan, it's kinda like, no. No. Let's let's let's keep them off to the side. So I think that makes a difference as well. I'm just interested to see, you know, what happens going forward. Like,

Speaker 4:

do you think it should be to the extent of, like, excluding them from accounts payable out there?

Speaker 3:

I would I would I would say vacating last season and and and having to miss the the the post season issue will be a will be a decent will be a decent punishment. Like I said, we lost a whole we had to burn a whole season for for guys getting tattoos. Had nothing to do with the game, had nothing to do with anything, football related, nothing at all. And we had to burn the whole season. If you look I can't remember which year it was. I think it was, like, twenty once

Speaker 4:

again, it's a real prior year.

Speaker 3:

Yeah. Yeah. Twenty twelve, twenty eleven, twenty twelve, is somewhere around there. The season is just wiped out, and we run to feed it. That's arguably your day. We could have won a national championship, but it was completely wiped out. And that was doing a b c s too. So more than likely, we would've at least, you know, been in a national championship game. We had to miss the postseason. And then you you just have to deal with it and bounce back. So I don't see it. That's a a too harsh for punishment. Like I said, way harsh for things. I've happened to organizations for way less. So We'll see.

Speaker 4:

Yeah. What were you talking about? I haven't seen all of the the evidence. So I'm curious on that. We'll we'll doing it. I'll actually get off when I get that. And I just find that we need, like, coming and, like, yeah. Just in the system. Right. I find it out that he's positioning him as like the like the victim. Like Yeah. Michigan is

Speaker 1:

the whole thing. A weird dude with you. Like, he's he's he's not he's not horrible.

Speaker 3:

He's he's a he's a he's a different he's a different type of cat. Like, I heard a story about him, like, having a sleepover with a recruit one time. And in no way shape or form, I'm trying to insinuate any, like I'm not going there with but just that alone, even if they were playing Xbox on, that's kind of that's a little different feel weird. Like, but that's just how he that's that's what makes him him. Like and I'm not mad at it. Because he like, I think he's just

Speaker 1:

a little old himself.

Speaker 3:

I think he would possibly do great. Like, I don't I'm not that type of fan. I'm not a oh, you're in my rival, so I don't have nothing but bad things to say about you. I'm not like that. So I'm not he just he's just a little different. So, you know, for him and it's a victim role and, you know, refer to his team as America's team when nobody has ever in life first and then say,

Speaker 4:

oh, buddy.

Speaker 3:

That's that's hardball, being hardball. And, like I like I said,

Speaker 1:

I'm not I'm not mad at it. Is that

Speaker 4:

mentally saw him, like, showing up to the food store with, like, a Michigan

Speaker 1:

sneaker. Yeah.

Speaker 4:

He's right now. That's like, he's he's ready for the day.

Speaker 3:

That's our fault.

Speaker 1:

And his teammates.

Speaker 3:

Yeah. And I feel like his brother I keep getting the names mixed up. I don't know who's who.

Speaker 1:

But, Jim Jim

Speaker 3:

That's the Raven's headquarters, Jim?

Speaker 1:

No. John is the Raven's home.

Speaker 3:

And and Jim is and I I feel like John is completely opposite. I feel like John is a cool well, the Raven's Care Coach is a cool cat, like, but Yeah. Jim is a little a little a little different.

Speaker 1:

So, you

Speaker 4:

know, the younger brothers, man.

Speaker 1:

Man, they do it every time. Alright. Let's jump into the college playoff top ten real quick. Things have changed a little bit. Definitely at the top with Ohio State now too, and Georgia back at one. Michigan stays at three, got Florida state at four, Washington at five, Oregon at six, Texas at seven, them at eight, You got Missouri now moving up to nice. And you got Louisville at T

Speaker 3:

Mobile now. Crazy.

Speaker 1:

Hopefully, no. It's crazy.

Speaker 3:

You told me Missouri and Louisville will be in the top ten in week eleven or twelve before the season started? I didn't probably schedule the next.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. I I I agree with that. In this car, like you said, that just that Tennessee beating Missouri I mean, Missouri beating Tennessee the way they did. And then, like you said, them in Georgia having a tough game. Like, now that six seven in, I think that's like we were kinda saying, that that six through ten, I don't see them in a playoffs. Like, I think now that things aren't kinda Shick out a little bit

Speaker 3:

and some help, but

Speaker 1:

That's what I'm saying, like, who who

Speaker 3:

if Alabama beats Georgia in the SEC championship. That's what

Speaker 1:

I'm saying. That's the would do you really take out a one last Georgia though?

Speaker 3:

If you get for a one last Alabama, absolutely. Especially, if they if they lose to Alabama? Absolutely. Absolutely.

Speaker 1:

So you jumped them over Texas? Yes. Me too.

Speaker 3:

Granted, that's that's if we're looking at somebody else. That's just between Georgia.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

Speaker 3:

Obviously, if you have under Yeah.

Speaker 1:

Four are undefeated. Right? You

Speaker 3:

have a undefeated Ohio State Michigan. Whoever wins that, if you have a undefeated Washington, undefeated Florida state, you know, that that kinda play play you know, could I see Alabama jumping into that top four with beating Georgia, especially if it's, like, soundly? Absolutely. Without a doubt.

Speaker 1:

And did you just put it with Georgia f five and put Batman f four?

Speaker 3:

Not even necessarily saying that that Georgia would even fall out of the four because you could drop down. You could drop them down and say, three move Alabama up. It's it's just so crazy. Because, you know, it's kinda listening game. That's what loses that game is not completely out of the playoff.

Speaker 1:

That's what I

Speaker 3:

Okay. Kinda weird because What is say we lose we don't even want our division, but we're under we're we're one loss to the number one or number two team in the country. That doesn't absolutely say you're out of the top four, but if you have, you know, ACC undefeated, you have You know, pack

Speaker 1:

twelve under feed it?

Speaker 3:

Pack twelve under feed it. You have a a one loss You know?

Speaker 1:

One last gentleman, one last Georgia.

Speaker 3:

One last Georgia team. It's gonna get real interesting. Somebody's gonna miss, and that's just unfortunate.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. Because Like you say, the chances the higher chances is that Florida state in Washington will probably be the two undefeated's.

Speaker 3:

Yeah. Well, Oregon might be like, oh, hold up. Because that game was closed.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. But

Speaker 3:

You beat in Oregon twice in one season? So if I'm if if I was a betting man, I would almost take Oregon over Washington in a big in the pack twelve championship. That's just gonna stir everything up more. Because now you're gonna end up with all these one lost teams, and they're all gonna be, like, you're gonna end up with a one lost Texas team.

Speaker 1:

But I have a

Speaker 3:

lost license in one lost Oregon, one lost Ohio State of Michigan, one lost potentially Alabama and Georgia. That's gonna get real murky.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. But see, I think but I think if that happens, Let's say let's just say for the sake of talking. Let's say Ohio State Wednesday game. You put Ohio State at one, of course, because they'll be the solely undefeated. But then you probably put I mean, like, who's two, three, and four? Let's say that Florida. Let's say Florida State loses one. Let's say to whatever the next top ACC team is. Yeah. Let's say Louisville or you know what I mean? Whatever.

Speaker 3:

That actually I thought that game was gonna be capped, like, a few weeks ago, but That actually might be a good game.

Speaker 1:

Exactly. It didn't watch it. And then, like, let's say, watch again, Washington does lose the organ. You know, that doesn't I don't think that caliport's organ. That doesn't move organ at all.

Speaker 3:

The committee does go.

Speaker 1:

Because they only got one because Oregon well, Oregon already has one lost too.

Speaker 3:

Committee does go based on how you progressed too though. Mhmm. So, like, if you lose somebody by a couple points and then come back and beat them at the end of the season, they do take growth into consideration when they're that's why Alabama has a chance. I've always said it's almost If you're gonna lose, it's been

Speaker 1:

too early.

Speaker 3:

Lost out early. Because, like, in twenty fourteen, when we won a national championship, we lost, like, second game in the season, and it was at home. And it was still a non ranked opponent, but we was able to steal, come back, progressively get better and better and better and better, better, ran through Wisconsin in the in the big ten championship and the committee games a chance. That's how we end up getting in and winning winning it. So those early losses can actually help you in this situation.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. This is gonna be interesting.

Speaker 3:

I can't wait. Can't wait.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. Because I just think with Georgia being dominant if so long. Even at one last time, I think it's gonna be hard to pull them out at the top floor. It's gonna be so hard. Because they're, like, They're, like, twenty seven and two over the past, like, three seasons or something like that. It's like ridiculous.

Speaker 3:

Yeah. So

Speaker 1:

To say, okay. You lose the bumble you lose the bumble ones and, like, now how we yeah. Back to back, you know, national champions, and we just gonna say, alright, you're number five. And we're gonna put them at four. I can stay here.

Speaker 3:

I can stay still behind it. And then another thing makes a difference is the the like, how the game plays out. If Alabama Beach, Georgia fifty to seven, they'll probably drop for their they might.

Speaker 1:

They may knew it. It's just on the street that my Obama's history.

Speaker 3:

See, the thing that's really screwing with everything personally in my situation being that, okay, Liller has twenty four and a half time. I and Luca was up to twenty four in a third. So gosh. Those are all made. Right. But my but my thing with Michigan finally actually being good is that that game, it takes a little bit of the meaning out of it because they're good. So if we lose who cares, you know what I'm saying?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

Usually, if we were to lose that game, since I've been an adult, if we lose that game, we're we're out because they're not good. But now with them being good, it's kind of like shit. Last year, we didn't even have to play in a big ten championship and walked into the the playoffs and shit of fucking winning.

Speaker 1:

And that's what I'm saying, like, even with the one laws Georgia, let's just say, a one laws Georgia, one loss, Ohio State, or Michigan, and then undefeded Florida State, or Washington. Like,

Speaker 3:

So I had to look out.

Speaker 1:

I feel like two people are ill, like, it it it Yeah.

Speaker 3:

And this is like a guaranteed two two teams are gonna be rightfully, you know, and and they're not gonna make it,

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

know, at least at least two teams. Because there there is no way that there I I can't see a way that Washington ends up with more than one loss. I can't

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

Alabama's Alabama might lose George. I mean, that's gonna be a that might be the game a year, but Georgia is definitely not ending up with more than one loss. Ohio State or Michigan is definitely not ending up with more

Speaker 1:

than one loss. Yeah.

Speaker 3:

There's no way. Like, Both teams might only end up with one on one

Speaker 1:

on two. Right? Is that

Speaker 3:

So it's it's yeah. It's gonna get real interesting. But, I mean, you're expanding the play out going forward. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

That's what I'm saying next year, we won't the conversation will be much broader.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

And probably even more difficult. Uh-huh.

Speaker 3:

Is it next year or the year after?

Speaker 1:

It's next year.

Speaker 4:

Okay. We we got our man, Justin in here.

Speaker 1:

Hey. Hey. There he is. They're not looking at the history of Georgia. If Georgia gets a loss, they could be out. Depending on other things, Georgia has not been dominant this year. Yes. True. But But Yeah. This

Speaker 3:

is gonna dial still too.

Speaker 1:

But they yes. If they lose the bemah, though I mean, to put Batman in. You gotta take that history into consideration because Batman ain't been dominant this year. No. We're near dominant.

Speaker 3:

Yeah. But they've been getting better too.

Speaker 1:

They have been getting better.

Speaker 3:

It's definitely getting better. They're a way better team than they were in that Texas game. A way better team.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

So you know, like I said, that is taking into consideration as well. So it's gonna be it's gonna be interesting, man. I I can't wait to to see you know, everything unfolds.

Speaker 1:

And I definitely think the rest of these, like I mean, let's just get this out the way. I don't think Louisville, Missouri, Texas I don't think either none of them have a chance because they don't play anybody.

Speaker 3:

Texas is gonna have to play Oaklawn Homa game. Well, they they kinda fell off too.

Speaker 1:

Come home. Yeah. I think they don't lost three games now.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 1:

Yeah. So, like,

Speaker 3:

And there's nobody in UCF too. So yeah.

Speaker 1:

I don't think there's nobody in the in the in the big twelve that It's like, okay. If Texas beat them, then it's like, okay. That moves them up to

Speaker 3:

a proper group. That I I think Texas might be Texas might be out already. Right.

Speaker 1:

And then Missouri, same thing. Like, I don't you're not gonna be in the in the in the championship game. So, like, you're you're nine, but who do you who can't you beat to get there? You know, which are remaining games in the schedule. I just don't see it. Oregon, like, you have to be Washington to even be considered, but Washington kinda been dominant due to packed oil. They don't ramp to everybody else. So what you already having the loss I mean, to them, granted. It's like, to have two losses on them, you're not gonna move past them. Florida state, who can you really be in the ACC outside the private Louisville, there may be more you were, you know what I mean, or keep you where you are because it wasn't going to feed it even if a Florida state, I think you move I think you move Washington into four. I think

Speaker 3:

over undefeated, Florida State?

Speaker 1:

I think if they're both undefeated. That's what I said. If they're both undefeated, I think you move Washington in Why?

Speaker 3:

Yeah. You prefer

Speaker 1:

to stay there five. Just to go. That's how to pack twelve has been issue.

Speaker 3:

It sucks. But

Speaker 1:

I think that's how to do

Speaker 3:

it. Yeah. I I grew that.

Speaker 1:

And I think, like I said, outside of Georgia losing the family. And even with that, I still think if if if Washington goes on defeat, if Florida goes on defeat, mean, Florida state goes unfeathed. Let me correct myself. And then Georgia will one loss. You may end in, like, Ohio State or Michigan one loss. I think whoever wins the Ohio State Michigan game would be won. And then Washington would probably be two. And then you got either Georgia and Buma at at three and four? I mean, do you just kinda pull through over over a Florida state?

Speaker 3:

That's that's You know

Speaker 1:

what I mean? Like, just stay safe. Yeah. Okay. So I'm done with this. I'm done. We got a couple more weeks left.

Speaker 3:

We did more.

Speaker 1:

We did more. We did appreciate that. We'd be talking about this other day. Let's jump into the to the grown man's league. Oh, wait a minute. We got another count. I'll get the same count. Oh, wait a minute. Not the same count. Cool. Yeah. Matt jump into the

Speaker 4:

road map. This over here play board.

Speaker 1:

I know. I know you got it. You got it. I got it.

Speaker 3:

I got it.

Speaker 1:

I got it in the comments.

Speaker 3:

And then what real quick before we move on, Justin, if you can answer this, like, who has been dominant? If you're listening, who has been more dominant than Georgia? I mean, if they haven't been dominant

Speaker 1:

Yeah. They're they're

Speaker 3:

We've let dominant team.

Speaker 1:

But yeah. See, but you know how Justin Gray. Justin is a Justin Gray

Speaker 3:

is a heart. Yeah. He's definitely So

Speaker 1:

I dominant to him is different. Like, It's hard for us to tell

Speaker 3:

Michigan one has not played anybody. Michigan has been beating everybody that at the same margin that everybody else has been you know what I'm saying? Like, Western beaten Western Michigan thirty one seven or thirty like, that's not dominant. I think they've had one dominant performance and it was the night of your birthday outing. They beat the shit out of somebody like fifty five or three or something crazy. But they have they have not I mean, I think that's a that's a myth. Like, Michigan has not been dumb. They haven't literally haven't played anybody. Anybody.

Speaker 1:

Mhmm. So to

Speaker 3:

say that they've been dominant and it's just that's that's not that's absolutely not factual. Most consistent team. They have won by throwing the ball and running the ball. They ran the ball thirty two straight times against Penn State. Like, I don't really think anybody's particularly scared of Michigan's passing game. I think Michigan has a good scheme. They run they run misdirection a lot, and it's really effective. So I do give them credit for that. They got some tricks up, they sleeve. After they got a whole A little different playbook for our state because when they play us, they they they break out shit that you ain't seen. So exactly good at keeping you off balance, but I I can't honestly say that I think they've been more dominant than Georgia when Georgia has, what, three ranked victories? I don't know.

Speaker 1:

Quite feared. How has Georgia been dominant?

Speaker 3:

I mean, they have three I'm not I'm not that's what my question to you was who's been dominant. But I'm just saying, I can't say that Michigan's been born dominant to Georgia is what I'm saying. Don't feel like anybody has punished great teams. Like, I don't think anybody has has done that.

Speaker 1:

So let me

Speaker 3:

fifty fifty two to seventeen over, you know, number eleven. That's more dominant than

Speaker 1:

okay. So here's Georgia's here's Georgia's wins this year. UT Martin, they beat forty eight to seven. They beat ball state forty five to three. They beat South Carolina twenty four to fourteen, which South Carolina is always a tough team. They'd be UAB forty nine to twenty one. They'd be all burn twenty seven to twenty, which that's another SEC team. They always plan tough. Kentucky who was ranked at that time. They'd be fifty one to thirteen. They'd be Vanderbilt thirty seven to twenty. They'd be Florida forty three to twenty. They'd be Missouri thirty to twenty one, and they'd be oh, yep, ranked Missouri at that time. It was twelve. And then they'd be old miss who was ranked ninth at that time fifty two to seventeen, and then they got Tennessee coming up. And The rest of the rest of their schedule is Tennessee, Georgia Tech, and then Alabama. So all of those are gonna be tough games because they play those teams regularly. So I don't foresee it being a huge blowout. But if they were to blow out any of those thing, which Tennessee now, I don't even count them no more because they're kinda back to the old Tennessee, But then

Speaker 3:

just Yes, ma'am. It's crazy.

Speaker 1:

I'm just saying, bro, like, they this season, like, last season, just so, like, it was kind of a little fluke. But, like because this isn't a condo.

Speaker 3:

More fireworks out of

Speaker 1:

San Francisco.

Speaker 3:

Yeah. That's

Speaker 1:

cool. So I think that Georgia Tech game and that Alabama game will show you more about Georgia. Any of these other ones need to

Speaker 3:

Put that out of Georgia Tech though. Put that out of midpoint is that's prime. That's that's prime. Prime TV fellas.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. But they don't have all these things to warm up to get ready for all of them. Right?

Speaker 3:

That's that's gonna be a heavyweight fight if you ain't ever seen such.

Speaker 1:

And let's look at Michigan. So Michigan has be Michigan be East Carolina thirty to three. They'd be UNLV thirty five to seven. They'd be Bowling Green, thirty one to six. They beat Rutgers thirty one to seven. They beat Nebraska forty five to seven. They beat Minnesota fifty two to ten. They beat Indiana fifty two to seven. They beat Michigan State forty nine to zero. They beat Purdue, forty one to thirteen, and they just beat Penn State. Probably they're tough of the opponent out of all of these. Twenty four to fifteen. And then what else

Speaker 3:

do you think? Any of those meetings before Penn state or even ranked in the

Speaker 1:

No. None of them was ranked. In the say next two games is Maryland in Ohio State, which Maryland started off real fast this season. They were playing very well offensively. And defensively. So if they can be anything that was a beginner season, that'll be a test. And, of course, they play Ohio State last, so that's the ultimate test. I have I mean, we're just looking at this year's schedules. I will say Georgia has better wins than Michigan. Because most of this is big ten, which is big ten is tough. Don't get me wrong, but you mentioned it now. No. I'm I'm only no. I agree. I agree. I agree. But the minute, the the Indiana's, the Minnesota's, the Nebraska. Because those obviously, you know, East Carolina, like, Bowling Green, like Oh, this year, that week.

Speaker 3:

Like like, I mean, so it's a lot.

Speaker 1:

Right. It's like so fifteen points is the most points they scored on half scored on now.

Speaker 3:

Yes. A play brother

Speaker 1:

Yeah. But the also, the the conference system too. You said, I'm gonna I can just see

Speaker 3:

him say crazy. He, like,

Speaker 1:

started to say it away right now.

Speaker 3:

They don't You've had one loss vegas?

Speaker 1:

Yep. Yeah. I mean

Speaker 3:

Alright. Yeah. It's subjective, though. It's subjective.

Speaker 1:

It is. It is. I'm Okay. I think if you're talking about dominant in the way they've performed or who they played against. I'll say yes. Michigan has been more dominant over weaker opponents, but Georgia has been consistently good over better opponents. And like I said, but even that last game, Georgia didn't you know what I mean? They didn't dominate against what's she called? So these last couple games are really gonna show who these teams are. Like, because their two toughest tests are coming up. Yeah. Alabama and Ohio State. So, I mean, none of the other games really matter. I mean, Georgia got a couple more ranked wins, but that's also the SEC too. Most of the time, you know, they're gonna have more ranked teams than big teams just because big teams is, like you say, has been down. But nonetheless,

Speaker 3:

the whole No.

Speaker 1:

That's how many

Speaker 3:

kids come. I'm I'm let you out move on.

Speaker 1:

No. No. You're good. I I know that.

Speaker 3:

Oh, West Division of the Big Ten is the the worst shit I've ever seen ever. That's probably the worst division in the Power five. The West is fucking terrible. The best team is Iowa. By far, and Iowa can't even the over under Was

Speaker 1:

there any big damage there?

Speaker 3:

Yeah. The over under for their last game was, like, twenty seven, and they were under. Like So Yeah.

Speaker 1:

This I mean, you can you can wear it out. Alright, man. Grommet leak, NFL. Power rankings. We haven't done power rankings in a couple weeks. I thought I'd bring this back real quick because it's been a roller coaster, especially these top the top ten teams. So right now, they got Philly at one. We got Kansas City at two. Baltimore finally jumped up into that top five. I think they've been hovering around, like, six to seven. In five, six, and seven. So now, eight, three. You got Detroit at four. San Francisco dropped down to five. I think that's the lowest day on been all season. Miami at six, Dallas at seven, Jacksonville at eight, Cleveland at nine. I think they dropped up the last time we did it, I think there was, like, eleven.

Speaker 3:

That's fucking ten.

Speaker 1:

Oh, okay. Texas. Texas. Yes. You

Speaker 3:

gotta you gotta wanna cities

Speaker 1:

in Oh, I put oh, I put that. I didn't put huge. It's not bad. That's not me. I thought me. I didn't put huge. Yeah. Because I was when I was looking at it, I was reading it.

Speaker 3:

No. I I got you. I I yeah. I gave them the results. I picked my team. Some of the teams. I was fourteen. Some of the teams outside the cities. Yeah. I get it, but it kinda I'm just, like,

Speaker 1:

I'm with you.

Speaker 3:

Like, Roland Dallas or I didn't know what was going on there.

Speaker 1:

No. So what do y'all think about these power rankings? And do you think they're accurate as of now? What would you change? I I'm gonna start with you because you kinda you quiet through college mobile, of course?

Speaker 4:

I mean, I was considering partially trolling, Justin, possibly the choice of your Baltimore, but I really couldn't say that just because Baltimore beat the brakes off of them. So I couldn't say it and and be I mean, these breaks

Speaker 1:

off of it.

Speaker 4:

They do have the they do have the second best record in the league. Yeah. So Well, it's tied in Nancy. Second best record. So, I mean, there is a case for but just based off of that shit lacking alone, I I couldn't a hundred percent commit to it. Outside of that, Matt, I really don't see anything else that I would disagree with, you know, at at this point, the season honestly. I mean, I think that we're what we should be coming off with the games game regardless of, you know, what we did last week. Miami is showing that they have, James. Appreciate it. I think Dallas is where they should be. And that's only because they got a bad loss

Speaker 1:


Speaker 4:

Against Arizona. If they didn't have that balance, I wouldn't put that list up higher. Maybe you can argue, clearly, you know, Jacksonville just based off of strict of schedule? Because, I mean, Jacksonville, we talk about this almost every week or, you know, Jacksonville hasn't beat anybody, honestly, with winning record. But they've won the games that they were supposed to win. Like, you can't necessarily fought them against them. But Cleveland has definitely played a tougher schedule now. Tweet and losing the shots when you're big and definitely not hurt them. I think for the remainder of the season, we'll see how they perform even with that defense. Because they still gotta be able to put points in for it. And I I love you to be entertained the way they play.

Speaker 1:

Okay. I'm just gonna I'm gonna say my piece now. I don't agree. Only part I don't agree with the the the top five is fine. Like, I think that's how it should be. Those five teams have been the five the five best teams on football on and off throughout the season. Outside of, like you said, just situational bosses. Even in San Francisco, the couple games they lost in a row, they were just they could've easily been win another way with one or two players. So it wasn't like they were dominating any of those games. But when you look at Miami and we talk about a team who hasn't beat anybody good to have my MES six. I don't like that. If anything, I would take Jacksonville and Cleveland. And probably put Cleveland at six. Jacksonville at seven. And then go maybe Dallas and then Miami and then Houston at ten. Because same thing with Dallas. Like, you Philly is still in your ass. And like you said, you do got a bad loss. And we just don't never know what Dallas is gonna show up. Like, you know what I mean? Like, when it comes down to a tough team? Because you can really kind of say who has they be. Like, the NFC East haven't been what they was. And like you said, that bad loss to to Arizona. But again, like, I think, like you said, with Cleveland and the AFC North, how they've been, just that the competition in that division itself, I think that should easily put Cleveland at six. And Jacksonville has probably been one of the models are consistent outside of just losing to San Francisco. And not putting them hardly no points. I believe that's probably their worst loss, which is not a bad loss, if that makes sense. So I think that qualifies them to be at least seven, and I will put Dallas probably at nine at eight, and then Miami at nine, and they keep Houston at ten. So that's just me, though.

Speaker 3:

No. I'm sure. I mean, nothing really jumps off the page of me for real the most part. Yeah. No. I'm not really mad at anything. I mean, I think there could be a case for since he'd be in the top ten. Oh. But I mean, it is what it is. So that plenty of games play got games win. So, I mean, there's still a lot of time for teams to prove themselves. So starting with tomorrow, there's Baltimore, which, for the record, I got Baltimore big. I just don't I just I just don't really like our team, but that's neither here nor there. I feel like, you know, if we would have to run it back with Houston, I feel like we could be Houston. I feel like we could beat Dallas. I feel like we could beat Jacksonville.

Speaker 1:

Because that even with even with like you said, even with even with the Houston game. Like, it was just a field goal. Like, To me, that's not that's not a bad loss. Like, you ran into, like, a bustle team and Yeah. I feel like, how many,

Speaker 3:

like, on paper is not, but as a fan, it was kinda bad. Yeah. I don't even think that the score really did. It just as how bad we got dominated because the they had three turnovers. Sprout had two fumbles and a pick. You feel you feel like if he doesn't make those turnovers, like, That's gonna be worse. We didn't

Speaker 4:

Oh, or avoid actually catches the tough day.

Speaker 3:

Yeah. That

Speaker 4:

that It's gonna work against.

Speaker 3:

I and that's that's what makes it, like, that's what makes me feel some kind of way about it because we were supposed to win that game. We had the more mature we had the more more season quarterback. Like, we were supposed to win that game. But Okay.

Speaker 1:

So it

Speaker 3:

just didn't fall, you know, just it was just questionable, like, it it happens. So I think we could arguably be in a ten. I feel like if we had won that game, we would have been in the top ten, but we didn't. So it is what it is. But nothing else just jumps off me. It's just crazy. Yeah. No. I feel tough to ever feel. It's a roller coaster. So, you know, any of those teams at any given, you know, time to take a horrible loss. Vice versa for a sad team getting a really good win is it is what it is. So yeah. I'm I'm rolling with it. I'm all I'm pretty much gonna always roll with NFL rankings because They are they are.

Speaker 1:

Okay. Cool. I was gonna do tuck your shit. I didn't update it. We kinda already talked about our teams, like

Speaker 3:

Yeah. We definitely we've been talking to a man.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. So we already had already talked about on me. I was out of the clubs winning and beaten a patriot, but that ain't really much to talk about. So, I mean, like I said, I don't really have much to say about this. Yeah. We could jump in to our pickles, man. We already

Speaker 3:

Appreciate y'all let appreciate y'all letting me vent.

Speaker 1:

Oh, no. Sure. We got some so this is oh, this is kind of what we're here for. To catch I caught it all the way up to our current re even though I didn't change the name of the week. Gosh, Turner. We still we can just

Speaker 4:

in the detailed saves last, but

Speaker 1:

Yeah, man. I know right now. Eleven. Boom. That quick. So we still gotta wake up two games. Everybody's everybody within a couple of games now. I mean, even Justin, you know, caught up with us.

Speaker 3:

Eighty seven, and I missed a half a week. Man, I'm stoddie.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. You would probably be yeah. You'd probably be at least three or four games.

Speaker 3:

I swear if I ever get bored enough, I'm a go back to that episode and I'm see which ones I was

Speaker 1:

gonna pick. Just to

Speaker 3:

just to just so I can have that, you know

Speaker 1:

That that answers by it.

Speaker 4:

That's the label from

Speaker 3:

dummy one to, like, a Thursday game was, like, stupid. It was, like, Leah.

Speaker 1:

Leah. Yeah. Leah. Yeah. Oh, So yeah, man. Us. Everything's pretty close, man. I guess we can go ahead and let's let's start picking. Let's go and jump into the chat where we Post and Get Rain. We got Furtlingles Raven's. This is probably the best Thursday night game we'd have a long time. Yeah. I'm a

Speaker 3:

I'm a go with the the black the blackbirds. Because You're

Speaker 1:

not you're not going with the females?

Speaker 3:

No. I don't like this right now, man. I I don't I don't I don't

Speaker 1:

I don't I'm a pick Baltimore too.

Speaker 3:

Do do I think we can win the game? Absolutely. I think

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

can't win the game, but it's just we just aren't that good. Like, you just still don't have a defensive player that's gonna take over a game. Our play Colin is sketchy. Our head coaches is

Speaker 1:

No. No. It's over. I just I just feel like this is one of them since this is a sexy game.

Speaker 3:

Like like I said, I think we can win it.

Speaker 1:

That's what I'm saying. I think I think this is a sexy game. I don't think yeah. You never walked away. No. No. No. Why? Because, like, first off off of that type of loss. And then, like, a familiar opponent, which I just don't see him going to five and five. Like

Speaker 3:

You know what I mean?

Speaker 1:

I can see I can see a six and four and then another, you know what I mean, a seven and four. Right? I was like, I can see that just because that division has been so close.

Speaker 3:

Hardest dealer six and three. Like, what the fuck?

Speaker 1:

I've been out for every game. Like, I've been out of gaming yards. Every single game.

Speaker 3:

The wildest trash is seeing the three team ever.

Speaker 1:

Defense bro?

Speaker 4:

It is what it is. Defense a defense coaching, man. My question is not gonna, like, can you pick it though, a game boy?

Speaker 3:

That's crazy.

Speaker 1:

Cowboys and Panthers, man. It's a seat like this. I wanna pick the Panthers because I feel like this is one that owned cowboy fumble games.

Speaker 3:

And if they fumbled that, they didn't just stop

Speaker 4:

it. They they they can't

Speaker 1:

I'm picking I'm picking Dallas, but I want everybody to remember what I say.

Speaker 3:

Yeah. We There's no one.

Speaker 1:

There's no problem there. It's a browns and steelers. This is another one. Both six and six, like I

Speaker 3:

hate both of these Luvs.

Speaker 4:

He's ready to tie. I

Speaker 1:

mean, I mean,

Speaker 3:

I mean, I mean, both in the moves.

Speaker 1:

I'm only gonna stay on the stand alone.

Speaker 3:

I'm gonna go pit, man. Got

Speaker 4:

it. About the sun.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. Yeah. He also He's a he's a he's a season in the surgery, man.

Speaker 3:

So Yeah. That's true.

Speaker 4:

And then people were talking so much shit about him, like, just anyone. And you all know how people really be hurt, they'd be out there trying to think best.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

And y'all people I'll subject, which I remember what I was talking about earlier, were just a random fan of injuries? For Jesus out tonight. These guys aren't even getting hurt, but they're just busy games.

Speaker 1:

Like I said, bro, I'm sure they're they have it they have it It's like easy. Like, mapped out over the course of eighty two games to make sure that, you know, they're in position to qualify. Chart of my fault. Skippin' the game. Bear's lions.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

Yeah. Of course. Yeah. I don't know. Say But then again, like, I just see this being a one of those lion's fumbles. Like

Speaker 4:

I do think fields are supposed to be back this week, but

Speaker 1:

I do too. That backup ain't that bad.

Speaker 3:

No. Nothing. Eat that good either.

Speaker 1:

No. No. No. No. No. I'm not just saying, like Okay.

Speaker 3:

They always had them one, one and

Speaker 1:

a half. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

Speaker 3:

There's nobody lanes in your tendencies. Nobody nobody

Speaker 1:

nobody can prepare

Speaker 3:

all where you live. Yeah. But You get humble real quick.

Speaker 1:

Charger's packers.

Speaker 3:

I'm about charges.

Speaker 4:

Of course, you are. Negative. And it's

Speaker 3:

I do pick them these every week. No. No.

Speaker 1:

No. You do. No. I don't have to pick them up.

Speaker 3:

I can't

Speaker 1:

get the starches because they burnt me laugh. They almost lost last week Oh, I'm not mad. I'm not mad about it.

Speaker 3:

I did lose last week. They lost the money.

Speaker 4:

They did lose the last week.

Speaker 1:

They did. Okay. Cool. Never mind. I feel good. Maybe it was a week before. Because I did type the count two weeks, so they could be blurring. Oh, yeah. Yeah. The week before they barely they they barely want. So, yeah, I'm gonna go charge this this week, but I'm not on that bandwagon again. I'm just picking them because it's the green bay packs.

Speaker 3:

They literally have no holes. I don't know why they're not better, but

Speaker 1:

Cardinals and Texans. Even though the Texans have been hot. I'm not big. I'm a big I'm

Speaker 3:

a big I'm a big the Texans on that.

Speaker 1:

Arizona. I think Who who is anybody know

Speaker 3:

who detects any offense or coronavirus?

Speaker 1:

No. But if somebody I'm bit just my office stand ahead. His staff. I'm sure he took somebody

Speaker 3:

He's gonna be coming up because that offense is Like, those guys was wide open, down the field. They were fourteen, twenty five yards down the field wide open.

Speaker 1:

Hey, dash Shannonhead tree. It's serious. Right.

Speaker 3:

That's just nuts. So shout out to whoever their offense or coordinator is. I don't know who he is, but whoever he is, he's he's nice.

Speaker 1:

Titans and jet wars?

Speaker 4:

Titans. I can get it.

Speaker 1:

Five to five Raiders versus six and three Dolphins.

Speaker 3:

The Raiders is up right now, but Dolphins.

Speaker 4:

I'm picking the dolphins, but if the Raiders would They wouldn't I wouldn't be I

Speaker 1:

wouldn't be for Antonio Pierce.

Speaker 3:

Yeah. It wouldn't be it wouldn't

Speaker 4:

Antonio Pierce, What's crazy is when you get a coach who actually says, hey, I got players who I should feature, and then those players start playing well. Like, hey, we should run the ball with Josh and throw the ball to Dante.

Speaker 1:

Wait a minute.

Speaker 3:

That's probably why he should

Speaker 1:

be And not only that,

Speaker 4:

he's a genius.

Speaker 1:

Not only that, Josh Jacobs, what type of runs do you like? What's your favorite runs? Okay. Cool. We put nose in the offense. Just make sense. Which type of browser you like? Exactly. What type of browser you like right now? What's up? Cool. Let's

Speaker 3:

You you brought a play. What what play you

Speaker 1:

wanna do?

Speaker 4:

Right. That's what you wanna do. What do you wanna do?

Speaker 1:

Why am I why why are we not every other team does this. They give their best players inputs on their side of the ball. Why are we why why should y'all be any different? But that's that that's that that Josh McDaniel's. That's that Bill to Check my frame. Like, no. We're gonna do everything my way. And, like, bro, you can't take that patriot way nowhere else. And nobody left the Patriots, coaching staff and went somewhere else and implemented that shit and it worked.

Speaker 3:

Feel about to get out the pain. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

People out the exactly. Either he only be fired as a GM, fired as a culture, fired as both.

Speaker 3:

I can see Bill trying to be fired. Like, you really think he can't think it's, like, seventy seventy two. You don't get shit.

Speaker 1:

He don't. Next game, we got giants and commanders. Eighty two giants versus four and six commanders.

Speaker 4:

Too late?

Speaker 1:

Two and eight giants versus four and six commence.

Speaker 4:

I think you say eight and two. Oh, shit.

Speaker 1:

No. They are not eight and two. Never.

Speaker 4:

I didn't want I didn't want people to think that

Speaker 1:

they were appreciate that. Oh, shoot. Like I said, I think they can easily trap games, bro. Like, wanna go Washington.

Speaker 4:

This is Washington. Mhmm.

Speaker 1:

No, man. Washington. Four or five booking nears versus six and thirty nine or something. Nineers is back on it. I don't I don't Niner's up in ears? Yeah. I think they

Speaker 3:

they sent the the niner's back to the East Coast Do you know if they stayed over there or did they go home? I

Speaker 1:

Price stayed.

Speaker 4:

I mean, usually stay. Okay. I I haven't seen, but Typically, if we played back to back in East Coast, we'll stick.

Speaker 3:

I could I'm a I'm a I'm a fake air traffic controller. So I'm about to check their flight shift. Hold on a second.

Speaker 1:

You silly. Alright. Four and five jets versus five and five bills. We gonna stop right here on this. What the what is going on with the bills? We had had this conversation before, but I think we need to revisit this shit. What's the problem in the booth?

Speaker 3:

Well, we I know one thing, though. I don't know what the problem is, but we can look forward to come turning up, you know, after a coach and change, like, guys just just find they, you know, find they groove. So you know, I I can see them winning, you know, winning the next couple and actually doing well.

Speaker 1:

Guess the jets defense, you know? Always feel their offense. Right? It's always their offense. Yeah. Because I know what I forgot to say. It ain't the difference. They came to the point of it. Soon.

Speaker 4:

You got listen listen. Just three and a half. Listen. Every other thing down to

Speaker 1:

every other every other other

Speaker 4:

city. Okay. It's in white yards and then No. Three now.

Speaker 3:

I got it home. So now y'all ain't y'all didn't stay.

Speaker 4:

Oh, you I'm

Speaker 3:

not gonna score her some other shit.

Speaker 1:

No. In one

Speaker 3:

ten of our

Speaker 1:

books at niner. So I guess I need to start saying that too.

Speaker 3:

Not but even before you said that I could have swore on her, somebody say that they play at the fucking ears next. I was like, DNS fucked up. Like, they would send them to send them the fucking Jacksonville and then send them the the template. That's fucked up. But now it's it's sad that it

Speaker 4:

wouldn't be boring for us. We've done that a couple of times a little last couple years. We use the state when they happen.

Speaker 3:

They did that to the the Giants first. I think two games. Well, first three two are week two and week three. I think they played at Arizona, then at forty niners. They stayed out there. So

Speaker 1:

We got a six and three seahawks at the three and six Rams. So

Speaker 3:

Hey, Justin. If you're still looking at it oh, no. I ain't gonna say that. Never mind. I was gonna say that that that decision pick one is wild, is as as we thought it was,

Speaker 4:

oh, the the visuals thing.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. The nuts. The nuts. The nuts. Talking crazy at the beginning of Caesar's at the seahawks. Oh, go real. Oh, I said it would go

Speaker 4:

win an official. I said I just said an official.

Speaker 3:

Yeah. What I mean?

Speaker 1:

But if it's closer now, then why I wish I knew it was gonna be?

Speaker 3:

Yeah. That's that's all I'm saying. That's all I'm saying. I ain't trying to hey. I don't want you to think I'm trying to post that's why I stopped myself where I said it.

Speaker 4:

Yeah. I'm not It's definitely

Speaker 3:

not as wild now as I thought it would be, if that makes sense.

Speaker 1:

We got

Speaker 3:

I'm missing the game between commanders. It's all forty nineers in mind. Yeah. Alright.

Speaker 1:

We got six and four vikings versus four and five bronchos. And Both of these teams are trending up right now. They've both been playing.

Speaker 3:

I'm actually going

Speaker 1:

very good.

Speaker 3:

Because like I said, that one or two, one and a half, two games for the quarterback Josh Dot is probably gonna fall flat on his face this week. It wouldn't surprise me

Speaker 4:

at all. It's

Speaker 1:

I think he still got a couple of weeks.

Speaker 3:

Yeah. I

Speaker 1:

don't think I haven't heard I haven't heard any practice in Jacksonville.

Speaker 3:

He was hungry. Hundred percent. So I don't think it's this week. I think next week might be an option, but he says, absolutely not to because he this is contracted for him.

Speaker 1:

So you he ain't messing about it.

Speaker 3:

You know what

Speaker 1:

I mean? And I don't ever think even if he even if he gets hurt or he ain't

Speaker 3:

Yeah. That's true. Money got still signed.

Speaker 1:

Negative money. Minnesota. I'll give it to him if they smart.

Speaker 3:

No. Nobody wanna really just go into that situation, Andrew. So he's he's gonna make sure he's good to go before he comes back.

Speaker 4:

Hold on. Just to say, see how it's been. We didn't call you crazy about the bills. We actually said

Speaker 1:

we didn't even

Speaker 3:

oh, we didn't call

Speaker 4:

the debt. It wasn't that big.

Speaker 1:

It was a big deal.

Speaker 3:

It's like I don't think anybody lost with the bills. It was

Speaker 1:


Speaker 4:

Did nobody was like, oh, that's that was a a wild take. He was like, he's actually not wow.

Speaker 3:

He would go into our game with the Bills at no point that I think we were gonna lose that game. Like, I still think we was gonna lose on our way to beat them, the game, you know, the more Hamlin guy, Like, I I was never really on the bills like that.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

No. No. I was more on the charges than I was on the bills.

Speaker 1:

Because I was I've been off of both of those trains. Like, I tried it the past couple years and, like, stay the same team. All the talent, hey, man, none of the police. When it's done.

Speaker 4:

And for when it I'm still calling you crazy. Just for a second call, you're crazy. So check that

Speaker 3:

with you. Take Hey, Jack.

Speaker 1:

We have we got a great Monday night game. We got eagle burger. Eagles and cheese. So Cheese coming up about

Speaker 3:

me, man. Nice.

Speaker 1:

Eagles being the Eagles?

Speaker 3:

I think the Eagles is built to beat the Chiefs man. Like That's

Speaker 4:

okay. Thank you, bro.

Speaker 1:

But but the cheese

Speaker 4:

I think, like

Speaker 1:

The cheese have been tested lower.

Speaker 4:

True. They have. But where where the Eagles are deficient, which is in the secondary? The Chiefs don't have received as a catch the ball consistently every week.

Speaker 1:

So That's the problem.

Speaker 4:

They really take advantage of

Speaker 1:

it. That's the problem.

Speaker 3:

Habitat is very go trash. So fat. Didn't they have, like, the best secondary last year? Whoo. The Eagles.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. They did have one of

Speaker 4:

the best.

Speaker 1:

I don't think I don't think they did that Like, again, their situation and and my thing is this. I just think, like, the Eagles are I mean, not the Eagles. The Chiefs offer by Like Yeah. Think a lot of shit done been fixed. They probably implemented some more stuff. Like, you don't get Andrew reading them more time to kinda use. It's it's hard for me to go not go chiefs. I'm a go I know what I know what the Eagles are, and it's not a slight cosy hugs. He's so big. It's not a slide on the Eagles. It's just like the Chiefs have been up against Tom Brady in the book. They don't been up against the the bingles. They don't have all of these hard fuck games against the you know what I mean? They, like, they don't been up against some of the best teams in NFL over the past five years. So, like, now to to be again a Super Bowl rematch, like,

Speaker 4:

I got the Chiefs because I think In the

Speaker 3:

past two years, what the what the Eagles best win is what? Kirk cousin Kirk Cousins in the Vikings. I'm just saying, oh, no.

Speaker 4:

Yeah. I I got the Chiefs. I think they do.

Speaker 3:

I'm a go to Chiefs too.

Speaker 1:

I did. I went Chiefs too. And, like, that's what I said. This this is nothing against the Eagles. Like,

Speaker 3:

I think the Eagles are built nice. Bill built to you know, because if they can run the ball, and if you can keep my homes off the field, you know, that's that's a plus. So I think they're built to and that goddamn toothbrush that I'm gonna call it. I'm not gonna call it.

Speaker 1:

Probably some luck show, man.

Speaker 3:

Brother, the poor back sneak, fuck it. The poor back sneak.

Speaker 1:

The team's weak.

Speaker 3:

Shit is crazy, like, it can't it's undefeated.

Speaker 1:

And you can't you can't take it out the game, bro. It's it's legit. It's legit. You can't shit.

Speaker 3:

I'm I'm waiting on them to run that shit on first and second down and get, like, six yards and then it's gonna be, like, what? The fuck?

Speaker 1:

I'm waiting for them to run at a whole series.

Speaker 3:

I mean, you can't stop it. You can't

Speaker 1:

Imagine just about just one series. Imagine they come out the first series of the game. And they do it. Maybe ten to twelve times in a row, bro.

Speaker 3:

They're getting four yards off of it and they know it's coming. Just think if you did it when they don't think it's coming.

Speaker 1:

Now now they got the brakes off of it now. Now they don't fake hand off. They don't play action off of it now, bro.

Speaker 3:

It's a easy six yards if you if you don't if you if, you know, they don't expect you to do

Speaker 1:

it. Right. Because

Speaker 3:

they I'm they're getting they're not even almost getting these first down Like, they're getting a yard or two over these Over

Speaker 1:

the bird.

Speaker 3:

Every single rig.

Speaker 1:

If this if this four from three, bro, they're getting four from five. They're getting four. They're getting five yards.

Speaker 3:

On late.

Speaker 1:

They're getting whatever they need every time.

Speaker 3:

So fax. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

Alright, man. We're gonna jump in the final thoughts. We're gonna wrap this up. We've been this has been a long comeback episode So my

Speaker 3:

damn, my ass. I'm good.

Speaker 4:

You just stop going to Vegas.

Speaker 3:

See, you start writing.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. Like, I go every week. One time. This one's the cruise, but

Speaker 4:

So Hey, man.

Speaker 1:

Half a font.

Speaker 4:

I ain't

Speaker 1:

got to have a life too.

Speaker 4:

Call for your mom.

Speaker 1:

Call for your mom. I ain't got a hundred thousand, man. That's all. Yeah, man. I'm good.

Speaker 3:

Yeah. I I have something good, man, but I I I work today. So I don't know.

Speaker 4:

I spent my money. So, you know, I'm

Speaker 3:

yeah. I I think I'm I'm gonna pay today.

Speaker 1:

Alright then.

Speaker 3:

I think I'm gonna maybe I'll lead off the next episode when it don't know. But, yeah, I've got nothing.

Speaker 1:

Okay. Cool then. There's been another episode of The Epic Podcast, man. We catch you on next

Speaker 3:

week. Yes, sir.

Speaker 1:
